Is Your Mother-in-Law Jealous Of You Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 757 | Updated: May 07, 2024
Is Your Mother-in-Law Jealous of You Quiz

We marry our spouse with excitement and ambition, waiting for the next chapter to unfold in our lives. With that, we also meet our spouse's parents, who become our parents by law. But how does one get to know about their husband or wife's parents and how they act? To know, spending time with them can help you understand how they will treat you henceforth. However, it's possible to have built a suspicion by questioning yourself, 'Is my mother-in-law jealous of me?' The way she acts towards you, the way she looks at you around her now-married child, it could be something more serious behind the scenes. Is she jealous of you? This quiz can help you find that answer.

Questions Excerpt

1. Does she show signs of insecurity?

A. Yes

B. Maybe

C. Never

2. Does she often hide things from you?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Never

3. Is she envious of your minor accomplishments?

A. Definitely

B. Sometimes

C. Never

4. Does your mother-in-law think things are unfair when they involve you?

A. Always

B. Maybe

C. No

5. Does she attempt to downgrade your abilities and achievements?

A. Yes

B. Somewhat

C. No

6. Is she bitter towards you?

A. Always

B. Sometimes

C. Not at all

7. When you are being praised for something, does she join in?

A. Never

B. Occasionally

C. Of course

8. Does your mother-in-law respect the choices you make?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

9. Has she spoken badly about you behind your back?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Never

10. Does she avoid you after you have done positive things?

A. Always

B. Sometimes

C. Nope

11. Does she compare your lifestyle or achievements to others'?

A. Yes, she always makes comparisons.

B. Sometimes she makes comparisons.

C. No, she celebrates my achievements.

12. How does she react when you discuss future plans?

A. She dismisses or criticizes them.

B. She seems skeptical or indifferent.

C. She's supportive and encouraging.

13. Does she insist on taking control in situations involving you?

A. Yes, she always wants to be in charge.

B. Only in certain situations.

C. No, she lets me lead my own way.

14. Does she make negative comments about your family or friends?

A. Yes, frequently.

B. Occasionally, she comments.

C. No, she respects my relationships.

15. How does she respond when you receive gifts or attention from others?

A. She downplays or ignores it.

B. She shows mixed reactions.

C. She's genuinely happy for me.

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