Is My Girlfriend Losing Interest In Me Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 3753 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Is My Girlfriend Losing Interest in Me Quiz
How do you know if your girlfriend is losing interest? Does she just want to be friends, or is it something more serious? Does it mean she wants out of the relationship? There are a variety of signs that can let you know when your girlfriend is losing interest, or at least, wondering if the relationship is moving forward as she wants. This ''Is my girlfriend losing interest in me'' quiz will show you how to tell if your girlfriend wants to break up with you.

Questions Excerpt

1. She doesn’t keep you in her priority list-

A. Agree

B. Disagree.

C. We both have different sets of priorities

2. Does she criticize everything about you?

A. Yes, from the way I organize my locker to how my clothes!

B. Criticize is not the correct word, let's say she's communicating her displeasure.

C. Not, not at all.

3. Your conversations have become one-sided and she has little to say.

A. Agree

B. Disagree

C. Sometimes

4. If your girlfriend has given her heart to someone new, how would you react?

A. I will respect it.

B. That will make her lose respect in my eyes

C. I will go crazy.

5. Does she act rude towards you?

A. Sometimes

B. All the time

C. Rarely

6. Is she stopped sleeping with you?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

7. Does your girlfriend break you down instead of building you up?

A. I don’t know why but yes.

B. No, not at all

C. Somewhat

8. Do you know how she thinks and feels about things?

A. I am not sure how my girlfriend's head works and find it difficult to understand her sometimes.

B. Very much so.

C. No, that makes me feel that she is a stranger.

9. Does your girlfriend support you emotionally?

A. She’s always there for me.

B. She's not good with encouragements but at least she really tries to support me.

C. No, she tends to avoid or criticize me.

10. Are you able to deal with conflict in a positive way?

A. Mostly

B. Somewhat

C. No

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