Is He Losing Interest In You Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 10432 | Updated: Sep 05, 2023
 Is He Losing Interest in You Quiz?

Relationships can evolve over time, and it's natural to wonder about shifts in your partner's feelings. This quiz is designed to help you evaluate potential signs that your partner might be losing interest.

Whether it's a lack of communication, changes in behavior, or altered emotional dynamics, this quiz aims to provide insights into the health of your relationship.

Remember, no quiz can replace open conversations, but this can serve as a starting point for self-reflection. Answer the questions in this 'Is He Losing Interest in You' quiz honestly to gain a better understanding of your partner's current level of engagement and to guide you in making informed decisions about your relationship's future.

Questions Excerpt

1. Has the communication between the two of you significantly decreased?

A. Not really

B. Yes, definitely

C. Sometimes

D. No

2. Is he spending less time with you?

A. Not really

B. Yes, definitely

C. Sometimes

D. No

3. Is he more evasive about where he is and who he is with?

A. Not really

B. Yes, definitely

C. Sometimes

D. No

4. Are you still having sex?

A. Not really

B. Yes, definitely

C. Sometimes

D. No

5. Are you still having sex?

A. Not really

B. Yes, definitely

C. Sometimes

D. No

6. Does he seem less interested in your life and what is going on with you?

A. Not really

B. Yes, definitely

C. Sometimes

D. No

7. Does he seem more distracted and less interested than he was before?

A. Not really

B. Yes, definitely

C. Sometimes

D. No

8. Is he defensive or starts fights if you question him about it?

A. Not really

B. Yes, definitely

C. Sometimes

D. No

9. Does he make you feel like you can’t trust him as much?

A. Not really

B. Yes, definitely

C. Sometimes

D. No

10. Do you think he is losing interest? (Trust your gut!)

A. Not really

B. Yes, definitely

C. Sometimes

D. No

11. How has his communication pattern changed recently?

A. He's texting/calling less frequently

B. His messages are shorter and less personal

C. He's been initiating deeper conversations

D. There's been no noticeable change in communication

12. What is his body language like when you spend time together?

A. He maintains strong eye contact and smiles often

B. He seems distracted and frequently checks his phone

C. He initiates physical touch and maintains close proximity

D. His body language remains consistent as before

13. How does he respond to making plans to meet?

A. He suggests alternative times if he can't make it

B. He often cancels or reschedules last-minute

C. He enthusiastically agrees and plans details

D. He leaves the decision-making to you entirely

14. How engaged is he in conversations about the future?

A. He actively discusses future plans involving both of you

B. He avoids conversations about the future

C. He talks about his future plans without including you

D. He seems indifferent to discussing the future

15. How does he react to your accomplishments and good news?

A. He celebrates and congratulates you genuinely

B. He acknowledges it but quickly changes the subject

C. He seems disinterested and doesn't pay much attention

D. He hasn't had the chance to react to recent news

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