Is My Boyfriend A Narcissist Or Sociopath Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 220 | Updated: Nov 30, 2023
Is My Boyfriend a Narcissist or Sociopath Quiz

Do you ever wonder if your boyfriend's behavior may be indicative of narcissism or sociopathy? Relationships can sometimes be puzzling, and certain traits can go unnoticed. This 'Is my boyfriend a narcissist or sociopath' quiz is here to provide you with some insights. Explore this quiz to better understand your boyfriend's behavior and the dynamics in your relationship.

Questions Excerpt

1. How does your boyfriend react when you achieve success or recognition?

A. He genuinely celebrates my accomplishments and feels proud of my achievements

B. He acknowledges my success but quickly shifts the focus back to himself or his accomplishments

C. He downplays my success or expresses jealousy, making it about his struggles and hardships

2. When you share your thoughts and feelings, how does your boyfriend respond?

A. He actively listens, empathizes, and offers support or comfort when needed

B. He sometimes listens, but his responses often center around his own experiences or feelings

C. He tends to dismiss or invalidate my emotions and redirects the conversation to his problems or concerns

3. How does your boyfriend handle disagreements or conflicts in the relationship?

A. He engages in open, respectful communication and works together to find resolutions

B. He often becomes defensive or blames me, making it challenging to address issues constructively

C. He manipulates situations to make me feel guilty or responsible for any problems in the relationship

4. How does your boyfriend behave toward your friends and family in social situations?

A. He shows genuine interest and respect toward my loved ones, building positive relationships with them

B. He may be polite but often expresses impatience or disinterest in spending time with my friends and family

C. He attempts to isolate me from my support system, portraying my loved ones negatively to keep me emotionally dependent on him

5. How does your boyfriend react when you need emotional support during a difficult time?

A. He provides comfort, empathy, and assistance without making it about him

B. He offers support but may subtly steer the conversation back to his problems or challenges

C. He downplays my difficulties and makes me feel as though his issues are more significant

6. How does your boyfriend handle criticism or feedback from you?

A. He listens, reflects, and considers my perspective, working together to make improvements

B. He may become defensive or counter with criticisms of his own, making it challenging to address concerns

C. He reacts with anger, denial, or emotional manipulation when I provide feedback

7. Does your boyfriend often make grandiose claims about himself or his accomplishments?

A. No, he tends to be humble and modest in his self-assessment

B. Occasionally, he may mention his achievements, but it's not excessive

C. Yes, he frequently makes exaggerated claims about his accomplishments and talents

8. How does your boyfriend respond when you need some time alone or space for self-care?

A. He respects my need for solitude and encourages me to take care of myself

B. He may express a bit of insecurity but eventually accepts my need for alone time

C. He becomes excessively clingy or angry when I seek solitude or independence

9. Does your boyfriend often use guilt or emotional manipulation to get what he wants in the relationship?

A. No, he generally communicates his needs and desires openly without resorting to manipulation

B. Occasionally, he may use guilt tactics, but it's not a dominant pattern in the relationship

C. Yes, he frequently employs guilt and manipulation to control my actions and decisions

10. How does your boyfriend react when you express dissatisfaction or unhappiness in the relationship?

A. He listens and works with me to address the issues and improve the relationship

B. He may become defensive or dismissive but eventually acknowledges my concerns

C. He blames me for any problems and manipulates me into thinking the issues are my fault

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