Is My Husband A Sociopath Quiz

Imani Bowman
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Imani Bowman, LPC
Imani Bowman
Licensed Professional Counselor
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Review Board Member

Imani enjoys working with children, families, and individuals. She is especially passionate about working with pre-teens, teenagers, and young adults as they transition through... Read More

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 2927 | Updated: Aug 06, 2024
Is My Husband A Sociopath Quiz

Are you starting to question whether your husband might be a sociopath? Our quiz can help you find answers. By answering questions about your relationship and your partner's behavior, you'll be able to identify any red flags.

This "Is My Husband a Sociopath?" quiz examines various aspects of your relationship, from how he handles conflicts to how he supports your personal growth. It's designed to help you determine if his behavior is cause for concern.

Don't wait any longer. Take the quiz now to gain insights and clarity about your husband's behavior.

Questions Excerpt

1. How does your partner handle conflicts with others outside of the relationship?

A. They tend to avoid conflicts altogether

B. They become aggressive and confrontational.

C. They try to find a peaceful resolution

2. How does your husband react when you express your emotions?

A. He dismisses or mocks my feelings.

B. He listens and validates my emotions.

C. He sometimes listens but often seems disinterested.

3. How does your husband handle your personal growth and changes?

A. He resists and criticizes any changes.

B. He supports and encourages my growth.

C. He is indifferent to my personal growth.

4. How does your husband react when you achieve something significant?

A. He downplays my achievements.

B. He celebrates my achievements with me.

C. He acknowledges them but doesn't seem genuinely happy.

5. Does your husband make you feel valued and appreciated?

A. Rarely, I often feel unappreciated.

B. Yes, he makes me feel valued regularly.

C. Sometimes, but not consistently.

6. How does your husband react when you spend time on your own interests?

A. He becomes upset and tries to stop me.

B. He encourages me to pursue my interests.

C. He tolerates it but prefers I spend less time on them.

7. What kind of relationship does your husband have with your family and friends?

A. They don’t get along well.

B. They have a nice bonding.

C. They get along just fine but my husband rarely meets them.

8. How does your partner handle disagreements about money?

A. They become defensive and controlling.

B. They are open to compromise and discussion.

C. They avoid talking about money altogether

9. Does your partner respect your boundaries?

A. No, they often cross my boundaries without permission.

B. Yes, they always respect my boundaries.

C. They sometimes cross my boundaries, but it's not intentional

10. How does your partner handle stress or difficult situations?

A. They become withdrawn and distant

B. They become angry and lash out

C. They try to find healthy ways to cope

11. Does your husband act strange when you need emotional support?

A. Yes, he never supports me.

B. He supports me all the time.

C. Yes, he rarely recognizes when I need his support but it's not his fault as he is mostly busy.

12. Does your husband often have emotional outbursts?

A. Whenever I oppose him.

B. No.

C. Yes, he has a bad temper.

13. Does your husband manipulate your feelings?

A. Yes, he does it all the time.

B. No. Never. 

C. Yes, but I don’t think he does that intentionally.

14. Has your partner ever abused you physically or emotionally?

A. Emotionally yes, and some very minor scuffles.

B. He had outbursts involving throwing things towards other people, but not me.

C. He is temperamental but he would never hurt me.

15. Do you and your husband hang out with other people?

A. Only with my partner’s friends or my friends that he likes.

B. Yes, whenever we have time we love to hang around with other people.

C. That is rare; for some special occasion or with special people.

16. How does your husband react when you disagree with him?

A. He gets angry and suspicious if I think or do something on my own.  

B. He respects my opinion, even if it is opposed to his. 

C. He likes everything to be his way.

17. Do you have a hobby or the time for your professional development?

A. No, there is no time or space for me to progress while I'm in a relationship.

B. Yes, I have many hobbies and I love to learn new things.

C. No, my partner does not approve of me spending too much time doing things without him.

18. How does your husband act when you are happy?

A. He ignores it and instead tries to draws attention to himself

B. He feels happy too. 

C. He tries to put me down. 

19. Do you have friends apart from your relationships?

A. No, I have lost touch with all the friends that I had before I started dating him.

B. Of course, I have many friends.

C. I do have friends, but we are not so close anymore.

20. Does your partner make you feel guilty, often for no reason?

A. Yes, he tries to convince me that everything is my fault.

B. No, that never happens.

C. Yes, he makes me feel guilty sometimes.

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