Have You Found The True Love Quiz

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 26322 | Updated: Dec 26, 2024
Have You Found the True Love Quiz

Discovering a soulmate is a rare and beautiful experience, but what defines true love? There’s no set formula, yet it often involves deeply caring for one another, respecting each other's individuality, and embracing a love that's unconditional.

This 'The true love' quiz is here to help you reflect on your relationship and see if you’ve truly found that special connection or if it might just be a fleeting attraction. Take the quiz and uncover where your heart stands.

Questions Excerpt

1. The first time you kissed your partner…

A. It was very sweet and comfortable

B. It felt like I was kissing a sibling

C. My heart was pounding so hard I could hear it

2. When you think about your partner’s flaws, you feel…

A. Love them even more for being real

B. They’re not perfect, but who is?

C. Frustrated at times

3. Do you find joy in making small sacrifices for your partner's happiness?

A. Yes, it feels natural

B. Sometimes, if it’s not too inconvenient

C. I’d rather not

4. How comfortable are you sharing secrets with your partner?

A. Very comfortable; I trust them completely

B. Only casual things, nothing too deep

C. I’m not sure if I would

5. How do you react when your partner shares exciting news?

A. I’m genuinely thrilled for them

B. I’m happy because they’re a friend

C. I feel a bit indifferent

6. How do you feel when your partner is away for a few days?

A. I miss them deeply

B. I miss having someone to hang out with

C. I get a bit restless

7. Your partner loves you when you are happy, sad, healthy, sick…?

A. 1( strongly agree)

B. 2

C. 3( strongly disagree)

8. Would you do anything for your partner?

A. 1( strongly agree)

B. 2

C. 3( strongly disagree)

9. When you imagine your wedding, you-

A. Smile

B. Feed awkward

C. Wonder if you should just elope

10. The most romantic song that could describe you and your partner is:

A. Beautiful Soul

B. Without U

C. Every time we touch

11. Do you truly care for each other?

A. Very much

B. Of course, we have been friends for so long

C. I guess yes

12. What aspect of your relationship do you appreciate the most?

A. Togetherness

B. Friendship

C. Intimacy

13. Do you see a romantic, healthy, and fulfilling future with the person?

A. Absolutely

B. There is no romance yet

C. I doubt it

14. Do you trust each other unconditionally?

A. Yes, just like soulmates do!

B. Yes, and that’s never going to change!

C. I am not sure / I don’t think so

15. Do you enjoy making love to them?

A. Totally, it feels surreal

B. No, I don’t make love to them

C. You mean sex, right? Sex is so much fun!

16. Which of the following applies best to your relationship?

A. Love

B. Friendship

C. Passion

17. Can you talk about your problems openly with your partner, without the fear of being judged?

A. Absolutely

B. Of course, what are friends for?

C. No/Not every time

18. If you are in a tough spot, do you reach out to your partner first?

A. Yes

B. Mostly, yes

C. No

19. Are you together just for physical intimacy?

A. No, we do enjoy it, but that’s not the reason we are together

B. There’s no physical intimacy yet

C. Maybe yes, we both are so passionate about it

20. Do you respect each other’s differences?

A. Yes

B. Mostly, we do, and if we don’t, we are very vocal about it, but it doesn’t affect our bonding

C. I am not sure / I don’t think so

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