How To Tell If My Husband Is Lying Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 722 | Updated: Jun 30, 2023
 How to Tell if My Husband Is Lying Quiz?

It could be devastating and exhausting if you are unsure if you can trust your husband. It creates constant anxiety and skepticism while you sit and wait for a sign that will give you some clarity. Everything seems suspicious when you are constantly looking for something to finally prove what you have been suspecting all along, even if it is entirely innocent. It should be no surprise that everyone lies to their spouse occasionally at some point throughout the relationship, but the reasons behind the lying make all the difference.

While you contemplate his potential deception and play through all the worst-case scenarios in your head, it is still very possible that your suspicions are false and he was not lying at all. So how do you tell if your husband is lying? Take this 'How to Tell if My Husband Is Lying' quiz to find out.  

Questions Excerpt

1. Have you confronted your husband about your suspicions?

A. Yes

B. No

C. I have tried, but it didn’t go well

2. Have you found frequent inconsistencies in what your husband is telling you?

A. Yes

B. No

C. I have, but I wouldn’t say it is frequent

3. Has your husband been avoiding you recently or trying to keep himself busy to avoid confronting his recent behaviors?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Somewhat

4. Have you noticed a significant change in how your husband is talking to you?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Somewhat

5. When you are talking, does your husband try to avoid eye contact or seem very uncomfortable if you do make eye contact?

A. No

B. Yes

C. Somewhat

6. When you do have conversations with your husband, does he seem much more anxious or fidgety than normal?

A. No

B. Yes

C. Somewhat

7. When you do attempt to discuss your concerns with your spouse does he get extremely defensive and/or try to turn everything around onto you?

A. No

B. Yes

C. I have not confronted him yet

8. When you are trying to figure out what your husband is lying about, will he avoid talking about certain topics or try to discreetly divert the conversation from things they don’t want to discuss?

A. No

B. Yes

C. Somewhat

9. rnDo you frequently get the feeling that something is just “not right” in your marriage and you can’t seem to shake the feeling?

A. Not really

B. Yes

C. Sometimes, but I wouldn’t say frequently

10. Has your husband grown very distant from you?

A. Not really

B. Yes, all the time

C. Sometimes

11. Have you noticed any changes in your husband's appearance or grooming habits?

A. Yes, significant changes

B. No, no changes

C. Some changes, but not significant

12. Has your husband been spending more time away from home than usual?

A. Yes, significantly more

B. No, not at all

C. Some, but not significantly more

13. Have you noticed any changes in your husband's sleeping habits?

A. Yes, significant changes

B. No, no changes

C. Some changes, but not significant

14. Has your husband been more secretive with his phone or computer?

A. Yes, significant changes

B. No, no changes

C. Some changes, but not significant

15. Have you noticed any changes in your husband's spending habits?

A. Yes, significant changes

B. No, no changes

C. Some changes, but not significant

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