How To Tell If A Girl Likes You Over Text Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 4015 | Updated: Mar 08, 2022
How to Tell if a Girl Likes You Over Text Quiz
Before you finally meet to ascertain whether the girl you’ve been texting and talking to likes you, you probably need to learn how to tell if a girl likes you over text first. It could be a tad tricky as texting is after all not one of the best ways to communicate feelings, but certain actions and text messages could indicate whether the guy is into you or not. From her use of emojis and the nature of conversations being had, you can pick a few spots of indication to determine whether he likes you or not. Take this quiz and find out what her texts and the nature of her texting indicates about her feelings for you

Questions Excerpt

1. How quickly does she reply to your texts?

A. Not as quickly as I do

B. She replies as quickly as possible

C. She takes her time to reply

2. Are her texts engaging?

A. Her texts are engaging but not consistent

B. Her texts are always engaging

C. She puts in very little effort

3. How often does she apologize for not replying sooner?

A. She does but not always

B. She always apologizes

C. She is usually nonchalant about being temporarily unresponsive

4. Does she often use “we“ in her texts ?

A. She rarely uses the word “we “

B. She often uses the word “we”

C. She has never used the word “we“ to suggest a couple identity

5. How often have you received the heart emoji?

A. It has started popping up with greater frequency

B. She sends it once in a while

C. I’ve never received one from her

6. On a scale of 1-10, how caring is she?

A. She is a level 5 to 7

B. She is a level 8 to 10

C. She is a level 1 to 4

7. Is she first to text in the morning and last to text at night?

A. She does this but is not consistently

B. She does this everyday

C. I text first all the time

8. How honest is she with her feelings?

A. I’d put them at less than 50%

B. She come through on their promises and words

C. Her words mean nothing to me

9. Does she want to do more than text?

A. She is hooked on texting but with little hope of taking it to the next level

B. The desire to move towards something more serious is obvious

C. She is not ready to try something new

10. Does she open up often?

A. She barely opens up to me

B. She opens up any chance she gets

C. She doesn’t open up at all

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