How To Get A Boyfriend Quiz Editorial Team
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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 634 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
How to Get a Boyfriend Quiz
To get someone to sleep with you nowadays is more accessible than having a real committed partner. This is because relationships have become very superficial nowadays, and also, people have a tough time connecting behind fundamental objectives that can help you build a real bond.  So, do you know how to find the right match for you? Take our quiz and find out now.

Questions Excerpt

1. When was the last time you texted someone?

A. Today

B. I text people every day

C. I don't remember

D. I hardly talk on text

2. The hardest part about being single for you is:

A. Feeling lonely

B. Feeling unhappy

C. It doesn't affect me much

D. I feel okay

3. Which of these are more important to you?

A. Looks

B. Money

C. Communication

D. Personality

4. How many boyfriends have you had?

A. 1-3

B. More than 5

C. Zero

D. One

5. When you like someone, what do you do?

A. I call them every day

B. I drop hints here and there

C. I don't tell them

D. I feel scared and nervous talking to them

6. What do you think of yourself when it comes to relationships?

A. I am a die-hard romantic

B. I am a go with the flow person

C. I haven't thought about it much

D. I want a relationship without thinking much

7. If you had a choice, would you jump into a relationship right away?

A. Yes

B. Probably

C. Maybe

D. No

8. What does your ideal relationship involve?

A. Happily ever after

B. Passion

C. I am still figuring it out

D. Love and happiness

9. How do you feel about being single?

A. I hate it

B. I would prefer not to be single

C. I don't know

D. It would be nice to have someone

10. From where do you get romantic advice?

A. From wherever I can get it

B. From my friends

C. I don't talk about romance with people

D. From professionals

11. Are you desperate for love?

A. Yes kind of

B. Yes, because you’ve done so many mistakes

C. Yes, because you feel so lonely

D. Yes, because you don’t feel good inside your own skin

12. What are you looking for in a relationship?

A. Fun

B. Romance

C. A story like in the movies

D. You don’t know yet, you go with the flow

13. What are the main mistakes you used to make in the past?

A. You used to lie a lot about yourself

B. You used to be too bossy with men

C. You used to be very unfaithful

D. You used to be self-absorbed

14. What are the top qualities you are looking for in a boyfriend?

A. Respect and love

B. Charisma and sexiness

C. Attention and total devotion

D. Just love, loyalty, and understanding

15. Are you sure that you want a real boyfriend?

A. Yes, you do, desperately so

B. You think so

C. Maybe

D. You don’t know about real, but boyfriend, yes

16. Do you know how to impose yourself in a relationship?

A. Yes, very much

B. You try to, but fail as you wish to impress the other person

C. Sometimes

D. Not really

17. Will you be able to compromise once in the relationship?

A. I can try although it’s the toughest thing for me

B. Not really, because you think you are too selfish

C. Most certainly

D. Not if it means leaving excitement in life

18. Are you capable of settling down?

A. You don't think so

B. Yes, I am hopeful

C. Maybe, someday

D. You try really hard to do so

19. Are you truthful to your lovers

A. No

B. Yes

C. You try to

D. Not really, I yearn to constantly impress and end up lying

20. Do you pretend to be someone else when you are in a relationship?

A. Yes, all the time

B. No, you don't need to

C. No, but you need a new face all the time

D. You are too much in love with yourself to make that mistake

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