How Should You View Your Crush Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 33 | Updated: Mar 25, 2022
 How Should You View Your Crush Quiz?
We've all had a crush at one point in our lives. Whether in the classroom, friend group, or even an authority figure, crushes fuel our desire to be in a romantic relationship. The way your crush acts and treats others should also be considered when looking at them. Could they be worthy of your attraction, and is the way they behave something you should be attracted to? And how should you view them? Take this quiz to find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. Is your crush loyal?

A. Yes

B. Somewhat

C. No

2. Does your crush present themselves positively?

A. Of course

B. Somewhat

C. Not really

3. Does your crush respect you?

A. Yes

B. Somewhat

C. Not really

4. Do they respect your boundaries?

A. Yes

B. Kinda

C. No

5. How do they treat others?

A. With respect

B. With decency

C. With bitterness

6. What is their attitude?

A. A good attitude

B. A decent attitude

C. A bad attitude

7. Is your crush honorable?

A. Absolutely

B. Somewhat

C. Not really

8. Do you see something valuable in your crush?

A. Yes

B. Maybe

C. No

9. Is your crush someone you can trust?

A. Of course

B. It depends

C. No

10. Is your crush risky in terms of actions?

A. No

B. Maybe

C. Yes

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