How Men Can Help Women Recover From Sexual Violence Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Updated: Jul 04, 2024
How Men Can Help Women Recover From Sexual Violence Quiz

Supporting a partner who has experienced sexual violence requires empathy, understanding, and a proactive approach to healing.

Our quiz, "How men can help women recover from sexual violence," will guide you in determining how you can best support your partner during their recovery journey. Discover ways to be a compassionate and effective ally.

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you typically respond when your partner wants to talk about their experience?

A. I feel uncomfortable and avoid the conversation

B. I listen attentively and offer my support

C. I encourage them to share but also suggest seeking professional help

2. When your partner shows signs of distress, how do you react?

A. I feel helpless and unsure of what to do

B. I stay calm and provide comfort

C. I ask how I can help and respect their needs

3. How do you ensure your partner feels safe and secure?

A. I don't change much in our daily routine

B. I make an effort to create a comfortable environment

C. I discuss and implement any specific changes they request

4. How do you handle your own emotions regarding your partner's trauma?

A. I tend to bottle up my feelings

B. I talk to a trusted friend or therapist about my feelings

C. I manage my emotions while focusing on my partner's needs

5. When discussing boundaries, how do you approach the conversation?

A. I avoid talking about boundaries as it feels awkward

B. I listen and respect their boundaries

C. I actively discuss and agree on boundaries together

6. How do you support your partner's decisions regarding their healing process?

A. I struggle to understand their choices

B. I respect their decisions and support them

C. I encourage and offer resources without pressuring them

7. How do you educate yourself about sexual violence and trauma?

A. I rely on what I already know

B. I read articles and watch videos to understand better

C. I seek out books, support groups, and expert advice

8. How do you help your partner with triggers and flashbacks?

A. I feel unsure and avoid discussing it

B. I comfort them and help them through it

C. I discuss strategies and respect their coping methods

9. How do you handle any changes in your intimate relationship?

A. I find it difficult to adapt

B. I communicate openly and adjust accordingly

C. I prioritize their comfort and consent in all aspects

10. How often do you check in with your partner about their well-being?

A. I rarely bring it up

B. I occasionally ask how they're feeling

C. I regularly check in and offer support

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