How Loyal Am I In My Relationship Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 4665 | Updated: Dec 23, 2024
How Loyal Am I in My Relationship Quiz

Have you ever wondered just how loyal you are as a partner? Self-awareness is the first step toward growth, and exploring your level of loyalty can reveal areas where you excel—and where you might need to improve.

This quiz isn’t about judgment; it’s about self-reflection. Whether you’re looking to strengthen your bond or simply understand yourself better, the "How Loyal Am I in My Relationship?" quiz is a step toward being the best partner you can be. Ready to discover more about your relationship loyalty? Let’s get started!

Questions Excerpt

1. Have you ever thought about cheating on your partner?

A. Yes, many times

B. I’ve thought about it sometimes

C. It has never crossed my mind

2. Have you ever had an affair?

A. I’ve had multiple affairs

B. I might have had one or two affairs

C. No, I’ve never had an affair

3. Do you keep secrets from your partner?

A. Yeah, it’s thrilling!

B. Only if I really have to

C. No, I never keep any secrets

4. Do you openly communicate with your partner?

A. Yeah, we’re really good in communication

B. We somewhat communicate well 

C. I never try to communicate well

5. Have you ever lied to your partner?

A. Yes, many times 

B. Only when I have no choice

C. No, I never lie

6. How often do you and your partner do romantic things together?

A. Very often

B. Somewhat often

C. Almost never

7. Are you unhappy in your relationship?

A. Yes, pretty much 

B. Somewhat

C. No, I’m happy

8. Do you usually miss your partner when you spend a couple of days apart?

A. Yes, I always miss them 

B. I miss them only if it’s been more than a week

C. I hardly ever miss them

9. Do you flirt with other people?

A. I flirt a lot. I just can’t help myself.

B. I flirt when when I'm trying to be more friendly or social

C. I never flirt with other people

10. How would you classify your relationship?

A. Very serious and long term

B. Somewhat serious but not long term

C. Not serious or long term

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