How Can I Fix My Marriage Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 41 | Updated: Jan 17, 2024
How Can I Fix My Marriage Quiz

Welcome to the "How Can I Fix My Marriage Quiz"! Marriage, like any meaningful journey, can face its fair share of ups and downs. If you're seeking ways to strengthen and repair your relationship, this quiz is a great starting point. By understanding your current dynamics, you can uncover key areas to focus on for a healthier, happier marital life. Answer these questions honestly to gain insights into improving your marriage.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you and your spouse have deep, meaningful conversations?

A. Rarely, we mostly have superficial talks

B. Occasionally, but not as often as we used to

C. Regularly, we always make time for it

2. When was the last time you went on a date or romantic outing?

A. Recently, we make it a priority

B. It's been a long time

C. We try, but it doesn't happen often

3. How do you react to your partner’s achievements or good news?

A. I celebrate and encourage them wholeheartedly

B. I acknowledge it, but we don't celebrate it much

C. I'm usually too busy with my own stuff

4. What is your typical response to conflicts in your marriage?

A. We avoid discussing it to keep peace

B. We argue and then don't talk for a while

C. We discuss it and try to understand each other

5. How often do you express appreciation or gratitude to your spouse?

A. Sometimes, but it could be more

B. Not often, we take each other for granted

C. Regularly, it's important to us

6. Do you feel you and your partner have shared goals and dreams?

A. Yes, we frequently talk about and work on them together

B. We used to, but they've changed over time

C. Not really, we have different interests

7. How do you spend your free time as a couple?

A. We try to find activities we both enjoy

B. We have regular date nights or shared hobbies

C. We mostly do our own things separately

8. How do you handle discussions about finances or important decisions?

A. We argue and have trouble agreeing

B. We discuss openly and make decisions together

C. We manage, but it's not always smooth

9. How do you feel about your partner’s personal growth and hobbies?

A. I support them but am not actively involved

B. I don't really know much about them

C. I encourage and take an active interest in them

10. How often do you surprise your partner with gestures of love?

A. Rarely, we're not that spontaneous

B. Regularly, I love making them feel special

C. Sometimes, but it could be more frequent

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