How Bad Is Your Relationship?

Erin McCole Cupp
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Erin McCole Cupp, LPCC
Erin McCole Cupp
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Review Board Member

Erin McCole Cupp, CTRC, brings a unique blend of trauma recovery coaching and extensive experience in addiction recovery, particularly in the areas of compulsive eating and... Read More

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 77 | Updated: Dec 12, 2024
How Bad Is Your Relationship?

When it comes to relationships not everyone is always a winner. Things might look good at first only to crumble down after a while. Why is that? It could be linked to some financial issues, trust issues or the fact that you simply realize that you have nothing in common. The bottom line is that there could be many reasons and in the end, you are either confronted with the choice to split up or work things out. So, how bad is your relationship? Take our quiz and find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you agree with your spouse/partner?

A. Almost never.

B. All the time.

C. Sometimes.

D. I can't think of a time when I did agree with them

2. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever done to your spouse?

A. Insult him/her.

B. Throw an object at him/her

C. Lie to him/her.

D. Ignore him/her.

3. How many people outside of the relationship are involved in the decisions you make as a couple?

A. Your whole family and all your friends

B. Just your best friend

C. Only your mother

D. No one but my partner and

4. How long do you think you will last in this relationship?

A. Not long

B. Less than a year

C. At least 2 years

D. Forever

5. What does your family think about your relationship?

A. They often argue with your spouse/partner

B. You can tell they hate your spouse/partner but don’t say anything about it to you

C. They don't have much to say because it's none of their business

D. They adore your spouse/partner and admire how they treat you

6. What leads you and your spouse to argue most of the time?

A. Totally different personalities

B. Money

C. Lack of time for one another

D. An occasional difference in views

7. What do you think you have in common with your spouse/partner?

A. Nothing

B. Maybe a thing or two

C. Your careers

D. Many shared hobbies, values, and life goals

8. How many times do you think about your partner when you are apart

A. Never

B. A few times a day

C. All day

D. It's up to the point where you can't help yourself but call them

9. What kinds of dates do you usually enjoy with your partner?

A. Dates? What dates?

B. A movie once in a while

C. Dinner

D. Enjoying a shared hobby, like dance lessons

10. What period of the relationship was the easiest, according to you?

A. The first few months of the relationship because at least you were both nice to each other.

B. The first year because there were fewer fights.

C. The first weeks because the other person was always available.

D. The first five years because that's when your kids were born.

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