Have They Cut Off The Relationship With Me Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 34 | Updated: Mar 17, 2024
Have They Cut off the Relationship With Me Quiz

Being in a relationship can be challenging, especially when you're unsure where you stand. This quiz is designed to help you decipher if someone has stepped back or cut off the relationship with you. By reflecting on recent interactions, you can gain clarity on your current relationship status. Ready to uncover the truth? Let's dive in.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do they initiate contact with you?

A. Just as often as before.

B. Less frequently than before.

C. They've stopped initiating contact.

2. How do they respond when you reach out to them?

A. They respond warmly and engage in conversation.

B. Their responses are brief and sometimes delayed.

C. They rarely respond or don’t respond at all.

3. Have they mentioned wanting space or a break recently?

A. No, nothing like that.

B. Yes, they’ve mentioned needing some space.

C. They've made it clear they want to cut ties.

4. Do you still share common interests or activities?

A. Yes, we still share and enjoy common activities.

B. We do, but they seem less interested lately.

C. No, they’ve stopped participating in anything we used to do together.

5. How do they act when you’re together in public?

A. Just like always, comfortable and connected.

B. There’s a noticeable distance or awkwardness.

C. We’re hardly ever in public together anymore.

6. Have they been open about their life and feelings with you?

A. Yes, they continue to share openly with me.

B. They’ve become more reserved and share less.

C. They no longer share personal details or feelings with me.

7. How do they react to future plans involving both of you?

A. They are positive and make plans with me.

B. They are non-committal or vague about future plans.

C. They avoid or outright refuse to make any future plans.

8. Do they still express affection or appreciation towards you?

A. Yes, their affection and appreciation are evident.

B. It’s diminished and feels forced or infrequent.

C. They no longer show any signs of affection or appreciation.

9. Have they been avoiding your calls or messages?

A. No, they communicate like they always have.

B. Sometimes they do seem to avoid them.

C. Yes, they consistently ignore my attempts to communicate.

10. How does it feel when you think about your relationship?

A. It feels stable and secure.

B. It feels uncertain and sometimes stressful.

C. It feels like it’s already over or very close to ending.

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