Have I Cheated On My Boyfriend Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 1265 | Updated: Mar 16, 2024
Have I Cheated on My Boyfriend Quiz

Trust and fidelity are fundamental to the strength and health of a relationship. Personal feelings and actions in a relationship can be complex, and sometimes, the line between loyalty and betrayal can become blurred. 

If you're questioning your actions or feelings in your relationship, this quiz, "Have I cheated on my boyfriend?" can help you reflect on your behavior and feelings toward your relationship. It's designed to offer insight into your actions and their impact on your relationship's integrity.

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you feel when interacting with someone you find attractive other than your boyfriend?

A. I feel guilty and usually limit my interaction

B. I enjoy the interaction but don't pursue anything beyond friendship

C. I flirt or engage more deeply, even if it feels wrong

2. Have you ever kept secrets from your boyfriend about who you talk to or meet?

A. No, I'm open about my interactions with others

B. Sometimes, but only to avoid unnecessary jealousy

C. Yes, I've hidden details or lied about my interactions with others

3. Think about your social media activity. Have you engaged in behavior your boyfriend would be uncomfortable with?

A. No, my social media interactions are transparent and respectful

B. Possibly, but nothing I see as inappropriate

C. Yes, I've engaged in private conversations or interactions that might upset him

4. How do you handle attention or advances from others?

A. I discourage it and make it clear I'm in a relationship

B. I'm flattered but don't encourage or act on it

C. I sometimes welcome it or won't stop it even if it crosses boundaries

5. Have you ever been emotionally invested in another person in this relationship?

A. No, my emotional investment is solely with my boyfriend

B. I've felt close to someone else, but it didn't diminish my feelings for my boyfriend

C. Yes, I've developed strong emotional connections that felt similar to a romantic relationship

6. Do you fantasize about being with someone else?

A. Rarely, and it makes me uncomfortable

B. Sometimes, but I know it's just fantasy and doesn't affect my relationship

C. Yes, often, and sometimes I wish those fantasies were real

7. Have you lied to your boyfriend about your whereabouts?

A. Never, I always share my true location and company

B. Once or twice, to avoid conflict or worry

C. Yes, especially if I've been somewhere or with someone I shouldn't have

8. How do you define cheating in a relationship?

A. Any form of intimate emotional or physical connection with another person

B. Primarily physical actions, but emotional connections are a gray area

C. Only physical actions; emotional connections are not cheating

9. Have you ever felt guilty about your behavior toward someone other than your boyfriend?

A. No, I conduct myself in a way that's respectful to my relationship

B. Sometimes, but I haven't crossed any major lines

C. Yes, I've acted in ways I wouldn't want my boyfriend to know about

10. What is your intention when interacting with people you're attracted to?

A. To maintain a respectful distance and honor my relationship

B. To be friendly, as long as it doesn't cross a line

C. To enjoy the interaction, even if it might not be appropriate

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