Does Your Relationship Have Longevity Or Is It Just A Fling Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 69 | Updated: Feb 21, 2023
 Does Your Relationship Have Longevity or Is It Just a Fling Quiz?

Are you wondering whether the current relationship that you are invested in, can blossom into something beautiful or will be just a short-term one?

The relationship that you are in, whether or not can withstand time, depends solely on you and your partner. 

Nonetheless, the ‘Does your relationship have longevity or is it just a fling quiz’ can aid you in determining whether it is true love or just a fling. So, go ahead and take the quiz to put an end to this nagging question!

Questions Excerpt

1. Are you committed to your partner or vice versa?

A. Yes

B. No/I am not sure

2. How long did you date till you got involved in physical intimacy?

A. Pretty soon / It started as a hookup

B. Long enough to become comfortable

3. Have you met each other’s close friends and family?

A. Yes

B. No

4. Are you emotionally attached?

A. Yes, very much

B. No/I am not sure

5. Do you talk about the future?

A. Yes, we have made plans

B. No/Not much

6. Do you see each other often?

A. Yes, whenever we get time

B. No, we have busy schedule

7. Are you in an open relationship?

A. Yes

B. No

8. Do you support each other unconditionally?

A. Yes

B. No/Not much

9. Do you trust each other?

A. Yes, even with our eyes closed

B. No/I am not sure

10. Apart from physical intimacy, do you discuss your problems?

A. Yes, we know everything about each other

B. No, we don’t have time/Not much

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