Does My Partner Deserve My Trust Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 138 | Updated: Dec 15, 2024
Does My Partner Deserve My Trust Quiz

Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. How can you feel secure and happy when you can’t predict your partner’s next move or rely on their support? Without trust, a true emotional connection simply isn’t possible. Sadly, dishonesty is often overlooked, yet when trust issues arise with a partner, it can turn your love life upside down.

Take this 'Does My Partner Deserve My Trust Quiz' to find out if your partner truly deserves your trust!

Questions Excerpt

1. Has your partner ever canceled a date?

A. Never

B. Rarely, and always, with a good reason

C. Several times

D. Multiple times and providing vague explanations

2. You are moving to a new place. Can you count on your partner to help you move your belongings?

A. Absolutely

B. Yes, if I ask them

C. Not sure

D. Definitely not

3. Is your partner secretive with their phone calls and text messages?

A. Never; they even shows their text messages to me

B. No, but it's their own private business

C. Sometimes

D. They often leave the room to answer phone calls

4. How well do you know your partner’s friends?

A. They are my friends too

B. Quite well

C. So-so

D. I barely know them

5. Have they ever given you a reason to doubt them?

A. Never

B. Once

C. A few times

D. Countless reasons

6. As far as you know, has your partner ever lied to you?

A. Never

B. Once or a couple of times

C. Multiple times

D. Lying is a habit for them

7. Do you ever feel like you have to chase your partner?

A. No, we make each other a priority

B. Not really

C. Sometimes they seem unavailable

D. Yes, and I always have to make up excuses for them

8. Has your partner ever inconvenienced themselves to make you happy?

A. Multiple times

B. Once or twice

C. I can't remember

D. Never, on the contrary

9. Are you happy with the way your partner is treating you?

A. 100%

B. Mostly

C. So-so

D. Not really

10. How do they address you in their communication with you?

A. They usually call me by my name

B. By my name or with a specific nickname

C. "Babe" or "sweetheart"

D. They are very generic in their communications and they never use my name

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