Do You See Your Child In A Positive Perspective Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Updated: Jun 28, 2024
Do You See Your Child in a Positive Perspective Quiz

How do you truly view your child? Understanding your perspective can greatly influence your parenting style and your child's development. This quiz will help you reflect on how you perceive your child's abilities, behavior, and character. 

Answer these questions to discover if you're seeing your child through a positive, realistic, or critical lens, and learn how this may affect your interactions with them.

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you react when your child makes a mistake?

A. I focus on the positives of what they did right.

B. I reassure them it’s a learning opportunity.

C. I point out what they should do differently next time.

2. What’s your first thought when your child learns something new?

A. I'm thrilled and praise their ability extensively.

B. I’m proud but consider ways to challenge them further.

C. I wonder why they hadn't learned it sooner.

3. How do you describe your child to others?

A. I tend to highlight only their best qualities.

B. I give a balanced view of their strengths and weaknesses.

C. I often discuss areas where they need improvement.

4. What do you focus on during parent-teacher meetings?

A. I love hearing about their successes and positive behaviors.

B. I discuss both their achievements and challenges.

C. I ask what they need to work on and how they can improve.

5. When your child succeeds, how do you respond?

A. I shower them with compliments and celebration.

B. I praise them and suggest new goals.

C. I remind them of the next challenge ahead.

6. How do you support your child’s hobbies?

A. I'm their biggest fan, no matter what they choose to do.

B. I encourage them but keep expectations realistic.

C. I critique their approach to help them improve.

7. What is your approach to your child’s education?

A. I'm confident they'll excel and often praise their intelligence.

B. I monitor their progress and help where I can.

C. I stress the importance of always being at the top of the class.

8. When your child shows interest in a new activity, how do you react?

A. I instantly support and hype up the new interest.

B. I encourage them to try it but to also finish what they started.

C. I question whether they’ll stick with it before investing.

9. Your child has a performance. What’s your focus?

A. I'm excited and positive they'll be the star of the show.

B. I hope they do well but focus on them enjoying the experience.

C. I make sure they practice a lot to avoid mistakes.

10. How do you feel about your child’s future?

A. I believe they will be incredibly successful in whatever they do.

B. I'm optimistic but aware they’ll face obstacles.

C. I worry they may not be prepared enough for the challenges ahead.

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