Do You Have Emotionally Abusive Parents Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 1456 | Updated: Mar 03, 2024
Do You Have Emotionally Abusive Parents Quiz

Having emotionally abusive parents can have a significant impact on your mental health and overall well-being. This "Do you have emotionally abusive parents" quiz will help you assess if you have such parents. Explore your experiences and behavior patterns to understand your parent-child relationship dynamics better.

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you feel after spending time with your parents?

A. Anxious and on edge

B. Confused and uncertain

C. Relaxed and content

2. How do your parents communicate when you make a mistake?

A. They yell, criticize, or belittle you

B. They ignore your mistake and pretend it didn't happen

C. They calmly discuss the mistake and help you learn from it

3. Can you express your feelings and opinions freely?

A. No, they dismiss or invalidate my feelings/opinions

B. Sometimes, but they often make me feel guilty or ashamed

C. Yes, they listen and respect my feelings/opinions

4. How do your parents handle conflicts or disagreements?

A. They escalate arguments, resort to threats, or use physical force

B. They avoid conflicts and refuse to address the issue

C. They engage in open dialogue and strive for a resolution

5. Do your parents try to control or manipulate you?

A. Yes, they frequently use guilt, fear, or manipulation tactics

B. Occasionally, they try to control certain aspects of my life

C. No, they respect my autonomy and allow me to make decisions

6. How do your parents respond when you achieve something significant?

A. They downplay or diminish your achievements

B. They show little interest in your accomplishments

C. They celebrate and support your achievements

7. Have your parents ever physically harmed you or threatened to harm you?

A. Yes, they have physically harmed or threatened me

B. It's complicated; there have been instances of physical aggression

C. No, they have never physically harmed or threatened me

8. How do your parents make you feel about yourself?

A. They constantly criticize or demean me, making me feel worthless

B. They rarely acknowledge or appreciate me

C. They provide love, support, and encouragement

9. Do your parents invade your privacy or constantly monitor your activities?

A. Yes, they invade my privacy and monitor my every move

B. Sometimes, they make me feel like I have no personal space

C. No, they respect my privacy and trust me

10. How do your parents make you feel when you express your emotions?

A. They dismiss or invalidate my emotions

B. They ignore or avoid addressing my emotions

C. They listen and validate my emotions

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