Do You And Your Partner Have Shared Goals Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 67 | Updated: Mar 03, 2024
Do You and Your Partner Have Shared Goals Quiz

In any relationship, aligning on future aspirations can be the glue that holds partners together. Sharing common goals not only strengthens your bond but also ensures you’re both rowing in the same direction. Wondering how well you and your significant other align on your future visions? Take this quiz to uncover if you and your partner have shared goals and how they influence your journey together.

Questions Excerpt

1. How do you envision your ideal living situation in the future?

A. Exactly the same as my partner's vision

B. Similar, but we have some differences

C. Completely different; we want different things

2. Do you agree on whether or not to have children?

A. Yes, we have the same desires

B. We're mostly in agreement, but details vary

C. No, we have opposite views on this

3. How do you see your careers evolving?

A. We have similar career goals and support each other

B. Our career paths are different, but we try to support each other

C. Our career aspirations clash or don’t support our relationship

4. What are your financial goals as a couple?

A. Completely aligned, from savings to investments

B. We agree on major goals but differ on how to achieve them

C. We have very different financial priorities

5. How do you spend your leisure time?

A. We enjoy the same activities and often do them together

B. We have some common interests, but also enjoy separate activities

C. Our interests are completely different

6. What is your approach to dealing with conflicts?

A. We tackle them together, with an eye on our future goals

B. We manage, but sometimes our methods differ

C. We struggle to find common ground when resolving conflicts

7. How do you plan for major life events (e.g., buying a house, retirement)?

A. We plan together, with shared goals and excitement

B. We have a general plan but differ on some specifics

C. We have not discussed this or have very different plans

8. Do you share the same lifestyle goals (e.g., travel, living abroad)?

A. Yes, our lifestyle goals are completely in sync

B. Partially, we agree on some aspects but not all

C. No, our lifestyle aspirations don’t match up

9. How do you envision your social life as a couple?

A. We have the same idea about our social life and friends

B. We share some social goals, but also have our own friends

C. We have very different views on socializing and friendships

10. How do you make decisions about health and wellness?

A. We have the same values and make health decisions together

B. We generally agree but sometimes choose different paths

C. Our health and wellness priorities are quite different

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