Do I Treat My Boyfriend Badly Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 2234 | Updated: Jan 10, 2023
 Do I Treat My Boyfriend Badly Quiz?

If aspects of your partner’s altered behavior are troubling you, perhaps you realize that you are not treating him right. At the same time, you may be overthinking, and it's all in your head. How do you know if you are treating your boyfriend right? Are there certain things you should do? 

Take this ‘Do I treat my boyfriend badly quiz’ to determine if you treat your boyfriend right and free yourself from the lingering worries.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you show affection towards your boyfriend regularly?

A. All the time

B. More often than not

C. Sometimes

D. Rarely

2. Are you always honest with your boyfriend, even if you know it might cause a fight?

A. Yes, I always try to be honest

B. Most of the time, unless I feel like he would be really upset

C. Sometimes, I do avoid saying certain things because I don’t want to fight

D. I am not a very open person, so it is hard for me to always be honest

3. Do you feel like you always have to point out what he is doing wrong?

A. No, I try not to do that unless it is a huge issue

B. Sometimes, I feel like it is important for him to know so he can change those things

C. I think I can be overly critical of him at times

D. I can’t help but point out every little thing he does wrong. That’s just how I am

4. Do you willingly open up to your boyfriend about your feelings?

A. Yes, I am always open about how I am feeling

B. Most of the time, I do

C. Sometimes I do, but sometimes I don’t feel comfortable telling him when he upsets

D. I have a hard time opening up and often keep my feelings to myself

5. Do you and your partner spend time with your friends/family individually?

A. Yes, we definitely have our separate lives, and we both respect that.

B. We do, but probably not as often as we should.

C. Sometimes we go out separately, but it usually ends in an argument

D. I hate it when he doesn’t take me along when he is meeting his friends or family

6. Are you compassionate and caring when your boyfriend is going through a rough time?

A. I always try to be supportive and be there for my boyfriend when he really needs it.

B. I am caring and compassionate, but not all of the time.

C. I usually just tell him to get over it

D. Most of the time, I feel he overreacts over small things

7. What kind of person are you when you and your boyfriend argue?

A. I try to listen and compromise as much as I can without it affecting my stance

B. I usually agree with him eventually so that the fight will stop

C. I am the person who always has to have the last word

D. I get pretty aggressive during arguments and even threaten to break up

8. Do you give your boyfriend enough attention?

A. I think I do.

B. Most of the time

C. He has complained about this

D. I probably don’t give him enough attention

9. Have others commented about how you treat your boyfriend?

A. People always tell him how lucky he is to have found me

B. Not that I can think of

C. It depends on who you ask

D. People have told me that I don’t treat him as well as I should

10. Does your boyfriend ever tell you that you should treat him better?

A. No, he always appreciates me

B. Not that I can think of

C. Maybe once or twice

D. Yes, many times

11. Do you zone out whenever your boyfriend is talking?

A. No, never

B. Sometimes

C. A lot of times

D. Yes, all the times

12. Do you feel jealous of the time he spends with his friends?

A. No, never

B. Sometimes

C. A lot of times

D. Yes, all the times

13. Do you expect him to spoil you with expensive gifts?

A. No, never

B. Sometimes

C. A lot of times

D. Yes, all the times

14. Do you make an effort to engage in things that he likes?

A. No, never

B. Sometimes

C. A lot of times

D. Yes, all the times

15. Do you compliment him?

A. No, never

B. Sometimes

C. A lot of times

D. Yes, all the times

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