Do I Have Separation Anxiety With My Girlfriend Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 144 | Updated: Jul 01, 2022
 Do I Have Separation Anxiety With My Girlfriend Quiz?

Once or twice, you may have experienced an episode of slight fear or panic when your loved one, in this case your girlfriend, goes out for a while, causing you to ask yourself, "Do I have separation anxiety with my girlfriend?" While this could be plausible, depending on the circumstances, it is important to know exactly what separation anxiety is. 

Separation anxiety occurs when someone has intense emotional reactions and distress when a loved one is away from them for an extended period of time, whether that is them going to the store or spending a night away from the house. These symptoms can be noticed and self-diagnosed due to the distinct nature of characteristics. 

It is not uncommon for boyfriends or girlfriends to feel these things for each other when they are gone, since sometimes, partners are very attached to one another. 

Do you experience this anxiety with your girlfriend? Take this quiz to find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you feel incredibly anxious when she isn't around?

A. No

B. It depends

C. Yes

2. Do you try everything you can to keep her by your side?

A. Not really

B. At times

C. Yes

3. Do you cry whenever she isn't around?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

4. Do you refuse to do anything that separates her from you?

A. No

B. Occasionally

C. Always

5. How can you describe your thoughts whenever she is gone?

A. At ease, normal

B. Nervous, anxious, lonely

C. Terrified, in pain, intensely worried

6. Your girlfriend decides to spend a few hours at her friend's house. How do you feel?

A. At ease, normal

B. I feel slightly nervous and I want her to come back

C. I feel extremely terrified and worried about her

7. Do you have difficulty sleeping because of the separation?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Ofcourse

8. Do you have nightmares about separation?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

9. When your girlfriend is out, do you feel like something bad will happen to her?

A. No

B. Somewhat

C. Yes

10. Does your girlfriend suspect that you have separation anxiety?

A. No

B. Maybe

C. Yes

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