Am I Financially 'Out Spouse' Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 101 | Updated: Mar 28, 2023
 Am I Financially 'Out Spouse' Quiz?

It’s common for couples to have financial issues. However, when one of the partners does not get involved in finances at all, they become the ‘out spouse’ and have a higher risk of losing assets or being treated unfairly in case of divorce. More importantly, it can also lead to certain matrimonial issues like mismanagement, frustration, and over-dependence. Answer the following questions to find out if you are the financially 'out spouse' in your marriage.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often have you talked to your financial adviser, CPA, or family attorney this year?

A. Every month or so

B. Every couple of months

C. Once or twice

D. Never

2. Do you manage any financial assets?

A. Yes, I am well aware of our financial situation

B. Sometimes I help my partner with financial tasks

C. I rarely get involved

D. Never

3. Do you know how much you two were able to save last year?

A. Yes, I am the one in charge with saving money

B. Yes, more or less

C. I am not sure

D. I have no idea

4. Do you know how much money your spouse earns every year?

A. Yes, I know the exact amount

B. Yes, more or less

C. I am not sure

D. I have no idea

5. Do you know what your net worth is?

A. Yes, precisely

B. More or less

C. Not really

D. I don't know what net worth is

6. If tomorrow you had to take over all financial responsibilities, do you think you could do it?

A. I am already doing it

B. Yes, after a bit of practice

C. I am not sure

D. I don't think I could handle it

7. How often do you review your financial situation with your spouse?

A. Very often

B. Every once in a while

C. Rarely

D. Never

8. Is your financial situation safe if you ever separate from your spouse?

A. Yes, definitely

B. More or less

C. Not really

D. Not at all

9. Who is responsible for paying bills in your household?

A. Mostly me

B. We do it together

C. Mostly my spouse

D. I don't even know what bills we have to pay

10. Do you take any actions to advance your career?

A. Yes, I learn something new all the time

B. Only if I have to in order to keep my job

C. Not really

D. No, and I am unemployed

11. Do you discuss your expenditures with your spouse?

A. I inform them

B. Yes, we both do

C. Only when I need to

D. Yes I have to as they are one to spend money on it

12. Do you understand the income tax structure that you or your spouse is a part of?

A. Yes, completely

B. Yes, we both do

C. I know the basics

D. I have no idea

13. Do you help your partner in setting financial goals?

A. I’m the one who makes decisions

B. Yes, always

C. Only when they ask for my help

D. Never

14. Do you have a combined budget/plan?

A. We have but only I manage it

B. Yes and we follow it

C. We have but couldn’t follow it

D. I’m not sure

15. Have you done any investment?

A. Yes, many

B. Yes, as per my and my partner’s requirement

C. I got them done by my partner

D. No

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