Are You Suffering From Broken Heart Syndrome Quiz? Editorial Team
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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 10038 | Updated: Aug 13, 2023
 Are You Suffering From Broken Heart Syndrome Quiz?

Have you ever heard of someone suffering from broken heart syndrome? Is it even a real condition, or is it just made up? How do you know if you might be suffering from it too?
First of all, broken heart syndrome is definitely real. Sometimes explained as similar to a heart attack, this condition results from a reaction to your stress hormones following an extremely emotional event. It causes your heart to enlarge temporarily, which creates irregular rhythms. Although it can be severe at times, it is also treatable and something you can fully recover from.
So, are you suffering from broken heart syndrome? Take this simple quiz to find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. Has a doctor detected a weak left ventricular in your heart?

A. No

B. I am yet to visit a doctor for my condition

C. Yes

2. Do you experience a sense of hopelessness or lack of interest in activities you used to enjoy?

A. Yes, I've been feeling quite hopeless and disinterested

B. Sometimes, but it's not pervasive

C. No, I still find joy in some activities

3. Have you been feeling more emotionally sensitive or prone to crying?

A. Yes, I've been more emotionally sensitive lately

B. Sometimes, but it's not overwhelming

C. No, my emotions are mostly stable

4. Are you experiencing excessive fatigue or lack of energy?

A. Yes, I've been feeling extremely tired and drained

B. Sometimes, but it's not constant

C. No, I feel fairly energetic

5. Have you lost your appetite or experienced changes in your eating habits?

A. Yes, I've noticed a significant decrease in appetite

B. I've had slight changes in my eating habits

C. No, my appetite is mostly normal

6. Do you find it difficult to sleep or have trouble staying asleep?

A. Yes, I've been having sleep disturbances

B. Sometimes, but it's not a consistent issue

C. No, my sleep is mostly unaffected

7. Do you generally feel physically unwell or unfit recently?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

8. Do you have low blood pressure?

A. Never

B. I used to have BP issues

C. Yes

9. Do you experience irregular heartbeats?

A. Never

B. No

C. Yes

10. Has your doctor detected any fluid in your lungs?

A. No

B. I am yet to visit a doctor for my condition

C. Yes

11. Are you experiencing any chest pains?

A. Yes, frequently

B. No

C. Only emotional pain

12. Have you been seen by a doctor who has suggested you may have broken heart syndrome?

A. No

B. Yes, recently

C. Yes, in the past but not currently

13. Have you ever had a head injury or been diagnosed with a seizure disorder?

A. No

B. Yes, in the past

C. Yes, recently

14. Have you ever been diagnosed with anxiety or depression?

A. No

B. Yes, I currently have one of these

C. Yes, in the past but not currently

15. How old are you?

A. Under 30

B. Under 50

C. Over 50

16. Have you recently won the lottery, had to speak in public, or had someone throw a surprise party for you?

A. No

B. Not very recently, maybe a few months ago

C. Yes

17. Have you recently been through any event that changed the course of your life?

A. No

B. Not very recently, maybe a few months ago

C. Yes

18. Have you recently experienced an extremely emotional event or trauma?

A. Not recently, but I have been dealing with a loss in my life

B. Yes, within the last few hours/days

C. Somewhat

19. Are you experiencing any nausea?

A. Yes, frequently

B. No

C. Only when I cry or feel too emotional

20. Do you have any shortness of breath?

A. Yes, but it mostly feels like anxiety

B. No

C. Yes

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