Dying of a Broken Heart? 6 Tips to Overcome Grief

We all know that a massive mammal, elephant, can die of heartbreak. Yes, they mourn over the loss of their partner, stop eating and eventually die of starvation. Apparently, they’re not alone who end up dying of a broken heart.
There are few others in the animal kingdom and then there are humans.
Heartbreak is too much to take for any person. Imagine you’ve loved someone so deeply that they’ve become an important part of your life and the next moment they’re not, gone forever.
It’s too much to take in.
The void is inevitable but failing to take an immediate action can push an individual to depressions, which furthermore will lead to serious issues. Since we understand and care for your wellbeing, we have listed down some solid ways to overcome heartbreaks and grief.
You’re not the only one
Indeed! There are others who have traveled the similar path at some point in their life, yet here they are; strong and happy. We are sure you must know someone who has suffered similar loss or more than that. Take inspiration from them.
When someone experiences heartbreak, because of any reason, suddenly surrounding makes no sense to them. They believe that it’s worthless living a life without someone you loved. However, it’s not true. There are people around you who love you more than anyone else can.
So, gather your courage and strength, and rise up again.
Make changes in your routine and hobby
There is a possibility that you used to do a lot of daily routine things with your loved one. So, in their absence, it would be excruciating to move on with the same routine, day in day out. The best way to overcome this is to make the necessary alterations.
It’s understood that habits can’t be changed overnight and it takes time, but you must consider this as a valid option. Experts believe that the human mind needs 21 days to accept or alter some habit and activity.
List down the habits or activities you wish to alter for a better lifestyle and set up the countdown. You may find it difficult in the beginning but you must do it for a better future.
Speak up or you would feel suffocated
There is always a massive emotional flow right after the heartbreak. Thoughts and memories continuously run in our mind for days and sometimes months. They want to explode and come out of you. That’s why you may feel some heaviness in your mind and heart. If you keep on suppressing these thoughts, they would explode and you won’t be able to think rational.
That’s why we need someone who can just listen to our thoughts. Someone with whom we can share what we are feeling or thinking.
The moment you put those thoughts out of your mind, they’re out completely and gradually start to fade away. So, speak to someone post-heartbreak. Don’t keep those emotions inside and pretend to be strong.
Sometimes, strength comes by accepting your weaknesses with open arms.
Don’t hesitate in taking baby steps
We totally understand that you wish to change everything overnight and get rid of all the past memories associated with your loss instantly. However, that’s not going to happen. It’s a process, a journey that you must travel irrespective of what happened in your life.
List down things and then take baby steps towards the change. Follow the 21-days challenge, as mentioned in the above step. If needed, document everything so that you can measure your progress.
Write down your thoughts if you aren’t able to speak about your emotional situation with anyone. It’s a tough part, but you must travel this journey.
Spend time in self-elevation and self-development
The last thing you would like to do is torture your physical and mental self in the process of dying of a broken heart.
When people go through heartbreaks, they ignore themselves, a lot. Their entire attention shifts from personal hygiene and awareness to what they’ve lost. This isn’t recommended at all. The best way to overcome this pain is to divert the energy towards self-awareness and self-development.
Start meditating.
It will be hard to concentrate as memories will cross your mind, but eventually, you will get there. Also, focus on what you eat. People tend to eat a lot of unhealthy food in depression. So, eat healthy food. Do some physical activity, like a gym.
The active body, right diet, and a calm mind will pull you out of the negative situation sooner than expected.
Socialize and meet positive friends and people
While you were in a relationship or were busy with your loved one, you missed out on meeting a lot of new people and catching up with your old folks.
This is the time you should spend well and fill those gaps. There are many people out there in the world that can motivate you and teach you a lot about life. Start meeting them.
Socialize with people instead of locking yourself up in a room for days. Understand everything has a shelf-life. So, instead of mourning over what’s not there, start focusing on what’s there.
Meeting new and old people will cheer you up. You would be able to see the bright side of life; people who love you eternally and care about you deeply.
The thought of dying of a broken heart crosses our mind once in a while, but that’s not the solution at all. Life is vibrant, full of different colors. Life never ends if one color is out of the pallet.
Emerge like a phoenix
So, start focusing on what’s there in your life and make it big. Emerge like a phoenix, happier and brighter than before. Hope, these tips will help you overcome grief and will change your perspective towards life.
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All tips are reviewed before the publishing.
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