Are You In Love With A Narcissist Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 3140 | Updated: Sep 05, 2022
 Are You in Love With a Narcissist Quiz?

The definition of narcissism is quite blunt, according to Wikipedia: “the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's own attributes.” To put it more simply, a narcissist is a person who loves and admires themselves very much, to the point where they thing they deserve everything. 

The act of admiring themselves can make a narcissist experience an odd pleasure. As simple as it sound, you may not know for sure if your partner is really a narcissist. Take this quiz if you want to know, “Are you in love with a narcissist?”

Questions Excerpt

1. What kind of job does your partner have?

A. A leadership role

B. Management

C. Administrative

D. A job which involves helping other people

2. What does your partner usually talk about?

A. Themselves

B. Their work

C. Other people

D. Current events

3. What is their favorite pastime activity?

A. Reading

B. Volunteering

C. Shopping

D. Exercising

4. How many friends do they have on Facebook?

A. Almost 5000 - the limit

B. Around 2000

C. Around 1000

D. Less than 500

5. How does your partner react to criticism?

A. They reject strongly and get upset

B. They are not happy about it but listen eventually

C. They accept it with just a little bit of resistance

D. They totally and wisely accept it

6. If something goes wrong, what explanation does your partner provide?

A. They blame it on someone else

B. They find some personal excuses

C. They analyze the entire situation rationally and see their fault

D. They reject excuses continuously and blame the mistake on themselves

7. How does your partner react when you do something they don’t like?

A. They complain about being attacked and misunderstood

B. They get angry

C. They tell me what's bothering them

D. They don't complain at all

8. How do you obtain your partner’s goodwill?

A. Through intense flattering

B. By conveying some compliments

C. By doing something for them

D. I don't need to do anything for it

9. Has your partner ever cheated on someone?

A. Yes, they are a serial cheater

B. Yes, multiple times

C. Yes, once or twice

D. No

10. How did their last relationship end?

A. With infidelity and scandal

B. In conflict

C. Peacefully

D. Very well, they remained good friends

11. Does your partner take care of you when you are going through a rough patch?

A. Yes, of course

B. Yes, most of the time

C. In rare moments

D. No, not really

12. Do you think that your partner is manipulative?

A. Yes, for sure

B. Yes, they utilize this skill they have

C. I’m not sure

D. No, not at all

13. Does your partner get angry if you don’t give them attention for even a short period of time?

A. Yes, they get really mad

B. Yes, it has happened a few times

C. I’m not sure

D. No, not really

14. Does your partner like having control over every aspect of your life?

A. Yes, this is very true

B. Yes, this has happened a few time

C. I’m not sure

D. No, not really

15. Does your partner get affected when other people are in pain?

A. No, they lack empathy towards everyone

B. No, it is a rarity

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, they empathize with what other people are going through

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