Are You Emotionally Cheating On Your Spouse? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 99 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Are You Emotionally Cheating On Your Spouse?
Some would say that an emotional cheater is not really a cheater. The reason to this allegation is that there’s no real physical contact between the alleged cheater and the object of his/her desire. The truth is that the intention is there and it could be an underlying evidence that you are not so into your current lover. So, are you emotionally cheating on your spouse or not?

Questions Excerpt

1. What attracts you the most in other people?

A. Their smile.

B. Their facial features.

C. Their body

D. Their personality

2. What is your forte in terms of personality?

A. The fact that you are open minded

B. The fact that you are always willing to help out.

C. The fact that you make everyone laugh

D. The fact that you are great with children.

3. How far do you go when it comes to flirting?

A. You'll go grab a drink with the person.

B. You'll go out to dance.

C. You'll invite the person to your house for a barbecue

D. You'll send steamy messages to the person

4. How far can your jokes go when it comes to flirting with others?

A. You make sexual comments sometimes.

B. You make comments about their outfit.

C. You make comments about their perfume.

D. You make suggestions about the type of underwear they should buy next.

5. Do you think your friendliness with certain people make your spouse jealous?

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. Not really because he/she does the same too.

D. You've got no idea because your spouse doesn't seem to care.

6. How many times have you been caught flirting with someone outside of your relationship?

A. Once.

B. Twice.

C. More than twice.

D. Never.

7. What do you normally say when you get caught flirting?

A. Noting, because it normally goes away.

B. You just claim that it's just a friend and that nothing is going on.

C. You just claim that it's a joke and nothing serious.

D. You call your friends for advice.

8. Where is the ideal place to flirt?

A. At work, because that's where people like to prove themselves

B. At the grocery store because people are relaxed

C. At the library because that's where people are the nicest

D. Anywhere because you are simply the best at it.

9. What is the best skill to have in order to be a great flirt?

A. You've got to know how to approach people.

B. You've got to know how to compliment people.

C. You've got to know their preferences in terms of style, places where they normally go to have fun.

D. You have no idea.

10. What do you normally get after you’ve flirted with someone for a certain period of time?

A. It normally leads to the bedroom.

B. You become nice friends.

C. You create a great ally for the future.

D. Nothing because you don't really flirt a lot to begin with.

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