Are You Deeply Devoted To Your Partner Quiz? Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 18 | Updated: Nov 25, 2022
 Are You Deeply Devoted to Your Partner Quiz?

Being deeply devoted to your partner means you’re there for them at any point in time, no matter the circumstance. Their presence in your life doesn’t irritate or cause any discomfort or regret in any way for you. Your respect for them is through the roof, and your understanding of them is none compared. To find out what category of devotion your actions or motives put you in, then the ‘ Are you deeply devoted to your partner quiz ‘ is ideal to take.

Questions Excerpt

1. What’s your take on love and marriage?

A. To be in love is to be head over heels with the person without regrets

B. I’m with the hope that love is what it is

C. I think love is destined for some people and not all

2. How often do you admit to liking what she likes even though you don’t like it?

A. As often as possible

B. Not as much

C. Never

3. It’s the middle of the night and your partner has run out of cold drugs, what do you do?

A. You vow to find them drugs by combing the entire city till you succeed

B. You sympathize with them and keep them company till morning

C. You just sympathize and hope they get better

4. How often do you share in your partner’s achievements and show them off?

A. Very often

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

5. How often do your friends hang out with your partner?

A. Very often

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

6. Are you there for them regardless of the circumstances?

A. Yes always

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

7. Do you leave your ego behind when your partner is concerned?

A. Always

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

8. How often do you exhibit PDA?

A. Very often

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

9. How often does your partner compliment your efforts and affection?

A. I’m always on their lips

B. Not often

C. Rarely

10. Do you truly think you’re deeply devoted to your partner?

A. Yes I’m absolutely sure

B. Maybe I think so

C. I’m not certain about that

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