Are You An Alpha Or Beta Female Quiz

Erin McCole Cupp
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Erin McCole Cupp, LPCC
Erin McCole Cupp
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
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Erin McCole Cupp, CTRC, brings a unique blend of trauma recovery coaching and extensive experience in addiction recovery, particularly in the areas of compulsive eating and... Read More

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 7518 | Updated: Jan 07, 2025
Are You an Alpha or Beta Female Quiz

Alpha females are badass women who are strong, assertive, and powerful. Women who are alphas are confident in taking on a more dominant role in their relationships. Beta females usually like a more demure approach, as they are less bold and are quite comfortable taking the backseat to their partner when making decisions.

Are you an alpha or beta female? Do you know which personality type best defines you? Take this quiz to find out if you are an alpha or a beta.

Questions Excerpt

1. When faced with a challenge, do you:

A. Take charge and lead the way to a solution

B. Wait to see others' responses before deciding

C. Support others' ideas and help implement them

2. How do you feel about taking risks?

A. Excited and often lead the way

B. Cautious but willing if supported by others

C. Prefer to avoid risks whenever possible

3. What's your approach to problem-solving in a team?

A. I propose solutions and direct the group

B. I give feedback on ideas and help refine them

C. I observe and follow the group's lead

4. In your social circle, are you usually the one who:

A. Organizes gatherings and takes the lead

B. Attends but rarely organizes events

C. Enjoys attending but prefers not to get involved in planning

5. How do you typically handle negotiations?

A. Assertively push for your terms

B. Try to find a compromise that pleases everyone

C. Let others lead the discussion and agree with the consensus

6. When faced with a challenge, do you:

A. Take charge and lead the solution

B. Support others' ideas and help implement them

C. Wait to see others' responses before deciding

7. How do you feel about taking risks?

A. Excited and often lead the way

B. Prefer to avoid risks whenever possible

C. Cautious but willing if supported by others

8. What's your approach to problem-solving in a team?

A. I propose solutions and direct the group

B. I observe and follow the group's lead

C. I give feedback on ideas and help refine them

9. In your social circle, you are usually the one who:

A. Organizes gatherings and takes the lead

B. Attends but rarely organizes events

C. Enjoys attending but will sometimes organize events

10. How do you typically handle negotiations?

A. I assertively push for my terms

B. Let others lead the discussion and agree with the consensus

C. Try to find a compromise that works for everyone

11. In group settings, would you consider yourself more of a leader or a follower?

A. I am more of a follower

B. I'm fine with both

C. I'm more of a leader

12. How well are you at managing your resources/assets, such as money?

A. I spend it as per my convenience

B. I'm cautious about how I use them

C. I prioritize my comfort and needs, but I also know my limits

13. What would be your biggest turn-off in a potential partner?

A. Someone not as collaborative as I am

B. Someone who lacks ambition

C. Someone indecisive

14. Where do you see yourself in ten years?

A. Thriving both personally and professionally

B. In charge of a large corporation

C. Probably in a similar place to what I'm in now

15. When it comes to conflict, how do you carry yourself?

A. I am uncomfortable with conflict and try to avoid it at all costs

B. I don't like confrontation, but I know how to handle myself if needed.

C. I am not afraid of conflict, and sometimes I even welcome it

16. How would you describe your attitude in the bedroom?

A. I am the more submissive partner

B. I am the more dominant partner

C. I dabble in a little bit of everything

17. At work, what kind of position are you best at fulfilling?

A. I enjoy sitting at my desk doing my work independently

B. I'm the boss and prefer to manage other people

C. I work just fine in groups or by myself

18. How do you feel in social settings?

A. I'm the life of the party!

B. I try to blend in and go unnoticed

C. I enjoy a balance of socialization and quiet time alone

19. Which word best describes your personality?

A. Assertive

B. Apprehensive

C. Cooperative

20. In a relationship, do you like being the one "in charge," or do you prefer letting your partner take on that role?

A. I need to be in charge

B. I'm more comfortable following my partner

C. I'm pretty chill with either role

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