Are You A Heteroromantic Bisexual Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 1287 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Are You a Heteroromantic Bisexual Quiz
Finding one’s sexuality can be very tough especially in the kind of society we live in. Being sure of your sexuality gives a deeper sense of self-worth and who you are. If you are unsure of your sexuality, take this, “Are you a heteroromantic bisexual quiz” and find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. Would you date someone of the same sex as you if you were attracted to them?

A. I would never date someone of the same sex

B. I might if there is attraction

C. Yes, why not?

2. Are you attracted to both males and females?

A. No, I’m only attracted to one gender

B. Probably

C. Yes

3. Have you had any same sex attraction while dating a member of the opposite sex?

A. No

B. I would like to

C. Yes

4. How many relationships have you had with guys?

A. None

B. I would like to

C. Quite a number of them

5. How many relationships have you had with girls?

A. None

B. I would like to

C. Quite a number of them

6. How do you feel being attracted to both guys and girls?

A. I don’t like it

B.  I would like to experiment more

C. Feels great

7. What would be your reaction if an attractive member of the same sex flirts with you?

A. Ignore the person

B. Get excited

C. Flirt back

8. What would be your reaction if an attractive member of the opposite sex flirts with you?

A. Ignore the person

B. Get excited

C. Flirt back

9. What do you think of your sexuality?

A.   I can never be attracted to someone of the same sex

B. I’m open to anything

C. I don’t have control over that. I can find anyone attractive

10. What are your thoughts on LGBTQ?

A. Not my cup of tea

B.   It’s good to be tolerant of others

C. Everyone has a right to be with whoever they want

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