Are You Controlling In Your Relationship Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 109 | Updated: Jul 04, 2024
Are You Controlling in Your Relationship Quiz

Healthy relationships thrive on mutual respect and open communication. This quick quiz can help you identify areas where you might unintentionally exhibit controlling behaviors. By answering honestly, you can gain valuable insights into your communication style and how it might be impacting your partner. Remember, healthy relationships are built on trust and understanding. This ‘Are You Controlling in Your Relationship Quiz’ quiz is a tool for self-reflection and growth aimed at fostering a stronger, happier connection with your partner.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you feel the need to know where your partner is at all times?

A. Yes, I always want to know

B. Sometimes, but only for safety reasons

C. No, I trust them to be responsible

2. How often do you make decisions for both you and your partner without consulting them?

A. Frequently, I believe it's more efficient

B. Occasionally, but I try to involve them

C. Rarely, I prefer to discuss things first

3. When your partner expresses a different opinion, how do you typically react?

A. I insist on my point of view

B. I listen but usually try to persuade them to my side

C. I respect their opinion and consider it

4. How do you handle your partner spending time with friends or family without you?

A. I feel uneasy and prefer they don’t go

B. I’m okay with it but sometimes feel left out

C. I encourage them to have their own social time

5. Do you find yourself criticizing your partner’s choices frequently?

A. Yes, I often point out their mistakes

B. Sometimes, but I try to be constructive

C. No, I focus on their positive traits

6. How do you react when your partner makes a mistake?

A. I get upset and remind them of it often

B. I’m disappointed but try to help them improve

C. I understand and support them through it

7. Do you believe your partner should prioritize your needs over theirs?

A. Yes, my needs should come first

B. Sometimes, depending on the situation

C. No, we should balance each other’s needs

8. When your partner wants to try something new or different, what is your response?

A. I discourage it if I don’t like the idea

B. I’m hesitant but open to discussing it

C. I support their desire to try new things

9. How do you manage your partner’s habits that you don’t like?

A. I try to change them to fit my preferences

B. I mention them occasionally but don’t push too hard

C. I accept them as part of who they are

10. How do you feel about your partner having interests or hobbies that don’t include you?


B. I’m okay with it but wish we shared more interests

C. I’m happy they have their own passions

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