Am I Suffering From Sexual Repression Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 4873 | Updated: Jun 28, 2023
 Am I Suffering From Sexual Repression Quiz?

Sexual repression is when a person has a difficult time expressing their sexual interests and/or sexuality. It just might be that you are shy, and it is hard for you to open up about personal topics, but for others, it may truly be a feeling of emotional vulnerability that is followed by anxiety at the thought of sharing your thoughts and feelings.

Sexual thoughts usually trigger feelings of desire and excitement that lead to arousal, but if you are suffering from sexual repression, even the thought of sex could spark feelings of shame and negative self-talk. These deeply rooted negative feelings could be a result of so many different things, but you should feel good about sex and make your own sexual choices instead of feeling controlled by the negative thoughts in your mind.

So, take this 'Am I sexually repressed? quiz whether you are suffering from sexual repression.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you have any positive sexual experiences you can remember?

A. Yes, several

B. I have a few

C. Rarely/I am still a virgin

D. No

2. Growing up, did your parents talk to you about sex?

A. Yes, we have “the talk”

B. Not really, we are just private people

C. That wouldn’t normally be something my family would talk about

D. No, my parents didn’t teach me about sex

3. Do you believe that people who have frequent sex or have multiple partners are bad?

A. No, not at all

B. Not really, it depends on the situation

C. Somewhat

D. Yes

4. Are you comfortable with your sexual orientation?

A. Yes, I am and I don’t mind talking about it

B. I think so

C. Yes, but I don’t like talking about it

D. No, not really

5. Do you have any interest in sex or sexual desires?

A. Yes, of course

B. I do, I just don’t feel the need to share it with others

C. I do, it’s just seldom

D. Not really

6. Do you ever feel extreme guilt or shame after sex or masturbation?

A. Only if I regret it the next day

B. Not really

C. Somewhat, but just because I am very shy

D. Yes, I do, every time

7. Do you ever have difficulty sleeping, experience body tension, difficulty having orgasms, or experiencing pain during sex?

A. No

B. Sometimes with orgasms, but I think that is normal

C. I am not comfortable talking about this

D. Yes

8. Do you ever feel extremely anxious about sex and your sexual desires to the point that it causes you guilt?

A. No, never

B. Not that I can recall

C. Rarely

D. Yes, all the time

9. Do you think negative thoughts about people who engage in risky sexual behavior or who talk openly about their sexual activity?

A. No, that doesn’t bother me at all

B. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable, but I don’t think of the person any differently

C. I get a little uncomfortable and might judge them

D. Yes, all the time

10. Do you ever fake happiness or enjoyment before, during, or after sex to avoid having that awkward conversation about how you are feeling?

A. No, never

B. Rarely

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, all the time

11. Have you ever had a sexual experience that made you feel uncomfortable or violated?

A. No, I have never had a sexual experience that made me feel uncomfortable or violated

B. I have had a few experiences that made me feel uncomfortable, but I don't think they were violations

C. I have had experiences that made me feel violated, but I haven't talked to anyone about it

D. Yes, I have had experiences that made me feel violated and I have talked to someone about it

12. How do you feel about discussing your sexual desires with a partner?

A. I am comfortable discussing my sexual desires with a partner

B. I am somewhat comfortable discussing my sexual desires with a partner

C. I am uncomfortable discussing my sexual desires with a partner

D. I never discuss my sexual desires with a partner

13. Have you ever had a sexual experience that you regretted?

A. No, I have never had a sexual experience that I regretted

B. I have had a few experiences that I regretted, but they weren't major

C. I have had experiences that I regretted and they were significant

D. Yes, I have had experiences that I regretted and they were traumatic

14. How do you feel about pornography?

A. I enjoy watching pornography

B. I watch pornography occasionally, but I don't have strong feelings about it

C. I don't watch pornography, but I don't have any negative feelings about it

D. I don't watch pornography and I have negative feelings about it

15. Have you ever had a sexual experience with someone of the same gender?

A. No, I have never had a sexual experience with someone of the same gender

B. I have had a few experiences with someone of the same gender, but they were experimental

C. I have had experiences with someone of the same gender and I identify as bisexual

D. Yes, I have had experiences with someone of the same gender, but I don't identify as bisexual

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