Am I Losing Feelings For My Girlfriend Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 6080 | Updated: May 07, 2024
Am I Losing Feelings for My Girlfriend Quiz

Relationships can evolve and change over time, and it's natural to occasionally question the intensity of your feelings. Perhaps you've noticed that the spark that once ignited excitement and anticipation doesn't burn as brightly now. It's not uncommon to sometimes wonder about the grass on the other side or to reminisce about the freedoms of single life.
However, deciding whether to stay committed or to part ways can be daunting, especially when you've invested so much emotionally and time-wise into building your partnership.
Are you experiencing a temporary lull, or are you genuinely drifting away from her? This quiz will help you explore your feelings more deeply and understand whether you're merely going through a phase or if it might be time to rethink your relationship. Take the "Am I Losing Feelings for My Girlfriend?" quiz to gain clearer insights into your emotional state and the future of your relationship.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you feel like ending the relationship?

A. Not at all

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, I think I’m getting tired

2. How often do you both fight?

A. Almost every day

B. I can’t even remember the last time we had an argument

C. A few times a month

3. How do you feel when you see your girlfriend?

A. Tired

B. Happy

C. Kind of excited

4. Are you crushing on someone else?

A. Never! That’s wrong

B. Sometimes, I do think about someone else

C. Yes, and I want to be with her

5. Do you still find your girlfriend attractive?

A. Absolutely

B. Once in a while

C. Not anymore

6. When was the last time you bought your girlfriend a gift?

A. It’s been a while

B. Last month

C. I can’t remember

7. Do you still show interest in your girlfriend’s life?

A. Not anymore

B. On occasion

C. Of course

8. How often do you communicate with her?

A. Once in a day

B. We text each other throughout the day

C. Only when she calls. If she doesn’t, then we don’t get to talk

9. Have you ever felt the urge to cheat on your girlfriend?

A. I think about this sometimes

B. Yes, all the time

C. Never

10. How would you feel without her in your life?

A. Sad and maybe depressed

B. Happy

C. I don't know. Maybe relieved

11. Do you look forward to spending time with your girlfriend?

A. Yes, I always look forward to our time together.

B. Sometimes I do, but not always.

C. No, I often try to avoid it

12. How do you react to her achievements or good news?

A. I feel genuinely happy and proud of her

B. I'm happy for her, but it doesn't excite me much.

C. I find it hard to show enthusiasm or interest

13. Do you feel emotionally connected when you talk?

A. Yes, I feel a strong connection every time we talk.

B. It varies; sometimes we connect, sometimes we don't.

C. No, it feels like we're just going through the motions.

14. How do you feel about the future with your girlfriend?

A. I'm excited and hopeful about our future together.

B. I'm uncertain and sometimes anxious about our future.

C. I often think it might be better if we weren't together.

15. How often do you think about breaking up?

A. Never, that thought doesn't cross my mind.

B. Occasionally, when things get really tough.

C. Quite often, it's a recurring thought.

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