Am I Lesbian, Bi, Or Straight Quiz

Christiana Njoku
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Christiana Njoku, LPC
Christiana Njoku
Licensed Professional Counselor
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Christiana Njoku is a certified relationship coach and marriage mentor from the prestigious Institute for Marriage and Family Affairs in Stafford, USA. A seasoned relationship... Read More

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 62517 | Updated: Oct 15, 2024
Am I Lesbian, Bi, or Straight Quiz

Understanding your sexual orientation is a personal journey that can be both enlightening and challenging. In a world where we are encouraged to embrace our identities, it’s natural to feel unsure about where you fit. Whether you're attracted to women, men, or both, this quiz is designed to help you explore your feelings and gain clarity on your sexual orientation.

Take our ‘Am I lesbian, bi, or straight’ quiz and discover more about your sexual identity today!

Questions Excerpt

1. Have you ever been sexually attracted to a woman?

A. Kind of

B. Never really thought of it

C. Yes

D. No

2. How many friends do you have of your gender?

A. A few

B. None

C. A lot

D. One or two

3. What would you do if your best friend came out as a lesbian?

A. I will take that chance to hit on her

B. I will congratulate her

C. I will be happy about it

D. I will understand and support her

4. Have you ever wanted to kiss a female friend?

A. Kind of

B. Never thought about it

C. Yes

D. No

5. If you see a pretty girl flirting with a hot guy, how would you feel?

A. I'll feel usual

B. I will ignore it

C. Jealous

D. Good for them

6. What do you want your test results to be? Answer honestly!

A. Bisexual

B. Other

C. Lesbian

D. Straight

7. Can you imagine being in a relationship with a woman?

A. May be

B. My parents will disown me

C. Yes

D. No

8. What would you do if a hot guy kissed you?

A. Depends on the kiss

B. I will walk away

C. I will push him back

D. I will kiss him back

9. What if the result said you are a lesbian?

A. I will have mixed feelings

B. I will reject it

C. I will be happy

D. I will be shocked

10. Who do you check out when you go out shopping - men or women?

A. Both

B. None

C. Women

D. Men

11. With what gender are you the most comfortable?

A. Men

B. Women

C. Transgender

D. None

12. What do you think matters most when it comes to who you choose to love?

A. Their trust

B. Their good humor

C. Their personality

D. It depends

13. Why do you think you have communication issues with your partner?

A. Because I am very stubborn

B. Because I am bossy

C. Because I'm not good at communication

D. I don’t have a communication issue with my partner

14. Do you like sharing your space with people?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Not really, but I sometimes do it

D. No

15. Do you plan on having children or adopting them

A. I will carry my own children because the experience seems interesting

B. Maybe, I haven’t thought about it yet

C. I don't know

D. I will adopt because carrying a baby for months seems exhausting

16. What do you hate about the opposite sex?

A. They are too tough

B. They are too manipulative

C. I don't know

D. I don’t hate anything about anyone

17. What do you like about the opposite sex?

A. They are so romantic

B. They as such good caregivers

C. I don't know

D. I don’t like anything much

18. Are you more about connecting with the person physically or emotionally?

A. Can be both, depending on the situation

B. Sharing emotions

C. I don't know

D. Both

19. With what gender are you most sexual?

A. Men

B. Women

C. Both

D. With no one

20. Have you ever had relationships with both genders?

A. No, only with men

B. No, only with women

C. Yes

D. I’ve had relationship with none

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