Am I His Priority Quiz? Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 4430 | Updated: Jun 16, 2023
 Am I His Priority Quiz?

Falling in love is one of the most incredible feelings in the world. The butterflies every time you see each other, the desire to spend all your waking moments together, and the passion you feel towards one another can all be so beautiful. But unfortunately, falling in love isn’t quite the same as being in love.

When you slowly, but surely, get past the honeymoon phase, things may not be quite the same anymore. Work schedules, families, hobbies, and other responsibilities sometimes take time away from the alone time you once shared with your significant other. You might be thinking to yourself, “Am I his priority?” Take the quiz below to finally reveal the answers you’ve been looking for.

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you speak to your significant other?

A. Several times a day, as we are always checking in with each other

B. Once a day mostly. Sometimes more, sometimes less

C. A few times per week, usually when I initiate it

D. Once per week or less, even if I try to communicate more often

2. When does he make plans with you to hang out together?

A. We see each other regularly without having to make plans

B. We both usually make plans throughout the week to see each other.

C. I normally have to nag him, but we end up hanging out at least once per week.

D. It’s hard to make plans because of his schedule, and sometimes he cancels our plans when other things come up.

3. Who makes decisions when it comes to your relationship?

A. We both make all of your decisions together

B. We make most of our decisions together, but some decisions we both make on our own

C. I tend to discuss important decisions with him, but he doesn’t always do that

D. We both make our own decisions

4. Does he set aside time for things that are important to you, such as events, vacations, date nights, family time, etc.?

A. Yes, he always shows up for our plans, no matter what

B. He sets aside time usually, unless something really important comes up

C. Sometimes he sets aside time, but it seems like an inconvenience when he does or like he’d rather be somewhere else

D. He rarely sets aside time for the things that are important to me and often makes excuses

5. How often are you intimate with your partner?

A. Several times per week

B. At least once a week, but we both wish it were more

C. As often as possible, or when he has time and is in the mood

D. He rarely makes time for me and doesn’t seem bothered by the lack of intimacy in our relationship

6. Does he do things to let you know you are special to him?

A. Yes, he’s always finding little ways to make me feel special

B. He does, but I wish it were more often

C. He is too busy most of the time and doesn’t really seem interested in romance or making me feel special

D. He doesn’t, even though I have told him that would mean a lot to me

7. How often do you argue?

A. Not all the time, but we have arguments at times

B. We argue a decent amount, but don’t have major fights

C. We often argue, usually, about his lack of interest in our relationship and me not feeling important to him

D. We don’t really argue

8. How well do you know his family and friends?

A. Very well, we get together with them all the time

B. Pretty well, we hang out with them when our schedules allow

C. Not that well. I have met some of his friends but not many members of his family

D. Barely as he doesn’t want to introduce me to them yet

9. Do you feel like you are always the one making an effort?

A. No, I think we make an equal effort

B. Sometimes, but then he occasionally shows me how much he cares

C. Most of the time

D. He never makes any effort

10. Do you feel like he really listens to you and cares about the things going on in your life?

A. I feel like he cares and listens when I am telling him something

B. I feel like he cares, but sometimes he just gets preoccupied with other things

C. I don’t really feel like he listens when I talk, even though he says he does

D. I don’t think he ever listens to me because he never seems interested and never remembers anything I tell him

11. Does he show up for your planned meetings on time?

A. Yes, and at times he even shows up early

B. Yes, most of the time

C. He can be a bit late at times

D. He is always late

12. Has he developed an interest for the things that are important to you?

A. Yes, for sure

B. Yes, in some ways

C. I don't think so

D. Not really

13. Does he meticulously plan his dates with you?

A. Yes, he always takes care of all the details

B. Yes, he decides the time and place for them

C. We both plan things together

D. Not really

14. Does he make an effort when getting intimate with you?

A. Yes, totally

B. Yes, most of the time

C. Sometimes

D. Not really

15. Has he made plans with you for the future?

A. Yes, for sure

B. Yes, some times

C. Not really

D. Not at all

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