Am I Emotionless Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 6099 | Updated: Jun 12, 2024
Am I Emotionless Quiz

It is really hard to be human and not have emotions. We have our unique ways of expressing our wide range of emotions, which to others may seem like you lack some or all feelings. If, let us say, you are a quiet person or an avid reader, you might be perceived as someone who is not approachable. But in reality, you are a fun-loving person and a great company to keep.

The common and universal key to expressing emotions is through any means of communication. As long as your dialogue with the people concerning you is clear, you are good to go. Otherwise, you always strive to establish a good discourse with people who are important to you. Take this Am I Emotionless Quiz and know your emotional range and expression.  

Questions Excerpt

1. What is your general mood like these days?

A. Slightly off

B. I feel very disconnected 

C. I feel neutral

2. Do you find it difficult to keep up with your routine?

A. Yes, I do

B. No, I feel fine at the moment

C. Lately, yes

3. rnDo you exercise daily? 

A. Four times a week

B. Yes, I do

C. I do not exercise anymore

4. Do you eat healthily or stick to your comfort food?

A. I eat healthy

B. I have to start eating healthy

C. I love my comfort food

5. Are you a good listener?

A. Yes, I am

B. Yes, but I like adding to conversations whenever I can

C. Not really

6. Do you usually feel calm under pressure?

A. Yes, I do

B. Sometimes, when I am mentally prepared

C. I do not think so

7. Do you critically compare your looks to others?

A. No, I do not

B. Yes, I must stop

C. Yes, but not aggressively

8. Do you feel more productive than usual lately?

A. Yes, I do

B. No, I do not

C. Somewhere in the middle

9. Have you ever had difficulty in dealing with a death or any such tragic events?

A. Yes, it is always hard

B. Not when I was not close to the departed 

C. Not really

10. Do you socialize with people in gatherings? 

A. Sometimes

B. Never 

C. Rarely 

11. How do you typically handle disagreements with close friends or family?

A. I avoid confrontation and keep my feelings to myself

B. I try to discuss it calmly and find a solution

C. I express my emotions openly and sometimes loudly

12. When you experience personal success, how do you feel internally?

A. Indifferent, as if it’s just another day

B. Pleased, but I don't dwell on it too much

C. Very excited and eager to share the news with everyone

13. Do you feel you understand the emotions of others well?

A. Yes, I often sense what others are feeling

B. Sometimes, but it can be challenging to truly understand

C. No, I struggle to grasp how others are feeling

14. When faced with a stressful situation, how do you manage your emotions?

A. I find it hard to control my emotions and often feel overwhelmed

B. I manage to stay composed and think through my response

C. I redirect my energy into physical for activities or hobbies

15. How often do you reflect on your emotional state and try to understand your feelings better?

A. Rarely, I don't spend much time thinking about my emotions

B. Occasionally, when I feel particularly strong emotions

C. Regularly, I believe in understanding my emotions deeply

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