Am I Defensive Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 1488 | Updated: Feb 12, 2025
Am I Defensive Quiz

People are defensive all the time. We feel the innate need to always come to our rescue and try to protect ourselves from the mean scrutinizing eyes of other people. But sometimes, we take it too far and refuse to admit our faults. 

And this could negatively affect our relationship, making even minor disagreements into serious arguments. Do you think you are too defensive? Take this “Am I Defensive” Quiz to find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you hate it when people point out your faults?

A. Yes, obviously

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, I encourage criticism

2. When people judge you, how do you take it?

A. You yell at them. It’s really none of their business

B. I just nod and move on. Their criticisms mean nothing

C. I listen and try to think it through. They might have good intentions

3. Do you feel like people judge you constantly?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, never

4. Do you like it when people try to give you pointers on how you can improve?

A. Of course, criticism is very helpful

B. Only when they’re qualified enough to know what they’re talking about

C. No, people who try to give “pointers” are obviously being condescending

5. Do you think people always blame you when things go wrong?

A. Yes

B. Not sure

C. No

6. Do you find it hard to admit when you’re wrong?

A. Yes, it’s the hardest thing ever

B. Yes, it’s tough but I try to do it anyway

C. No, not really. I’m good at owning up to my mistakes

7. Do any of your arguments escalate?

A. Yes, all the time!

B. Sometimes

C. No, never

8. Do you think people like getting on your nerves for no reason?

A. Yes

B. Not sure

C. No

9. Do you think you’re in the right most of the time?

A. Yes, for sure

B. Yes, but I’m not so sure sometimes

C. No, sometimes I’m most definitely in the wrong

10. Have people told you you’re very stubborn?

A. Yes, most of my friends have told me that

B. Yes, my friends tell me that sometimes

C. No, nobody has ever told me that

11. Do you always look for the hidden critical message beneath people’s requests?

A. Sometimes

B. Absolutely

C. Not really

12. Are you quick to point out people’s faults when they judge or criticize you?

A. Yes

B. May be

C. No

13. Do you have the tendency to admit your fault?

A. Only sometimes

B. Yes, every time I am wrong

C. Depends on the situation

14. If someone is upset with you, do you tell them they are wrong to think so with explanations and excuses?

A. I do

B. Sometimes

C. No

15. “I’m afraid that what others think of and say about me is true.” True or False?

A. True

B. Sometimes true

C. False

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