Am I A Helicopter Parent Quiz

Imani Bowman
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Imani Bowman, LPC
Imani Bowman
Licensed Professional Counselor
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Review Board Member

Imani enjoys working with children, families, and individuals. She is especially passionate about working with pre-teens, teenagers, and young adults as they transition through... Read More

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 2499 | Updated: Feb 15, 2025
Am I a Helicopter Parent Quiz

Are you trying to be the best parent you can be but are worried you might be smothering your child? Are you worried you might be overbearing or too involved as a parent? Are you giving your child/ren enough freedom?

A helicopter parent is a term used for parents who hover over their children like a helicopter, taking on too much responsibility for what happens in their children’s lives. Although the intentions of this parenting style are good, it could ultimately have negative effects on a child in the long term. Children need to be free to learn from their mistakes and have a sense of independence.  Are you a helicopter parent? Take this quiz to find out. 

Questions Excerpt

1. If your child is a short walking distance from a friend’s house and they are going over to play, what would you do?

A. Drive them or walk them

B. Let them walk, but watch them walk there and insist they call as soon as they get there

C. Let them walk and ask them to check-in at a certain time

2. If your child is going to a drop-off birthday party for a friend, what do you do?

A. Drive them there and stay at the party

B. Drive them there and stay for a little while to make sure they are okay

C. Drop them off and tell them to call if they need anything

3. If your child is out with friends or away at college, how often do you check in with them?

A. Several times a day

B. At least once a day

C. Hopefully once a day, but if they forget to check-in, I know they are just having fun and will call/text the next day

4. Do you do your child’s school work?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

5. Does your child have chores around the house?

A. No

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

6. Do you get overly cautious about risky activities that every child engages in, such as climbing a tree, playing sports, or riding their bike?

A. Yes, I always keep a close eye on them and let them know when they are going too far, i.e., riding too fast, climbing too high, being too rough

B. Sometimes I get nervous, but I try to let them have their freedom

C. No, I want them to be safe, but I also want them to be a kid

7. Are you afraid to let your child fail?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

8. If your child is doing a task or a project and they aren’t doing it right, do you tend to take it over to make sure they are doing it the right way?

A. Yes, if they are going to do something, they should do it right

B. Sometimes I do. It depends on what it is

C. No, I think it’s important for them to be able to learn from their mistakes

9. As a toddler, were you a parent who didn’t let your child leave your sight and constantly direct their behavior?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

10. Would you tell a coach they are doing a bad job for not allowing your child enough playtime, call a teacher about a bad grade, or control your child’s eating and exercise habits?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

11. How do you handle your child's disagreements with peers?

A. I intervene immediately to resolve the conflict for them

B. I offer advice on how they might handle it but let them manage the situation

C. I trust them to work it out on their own unless they seek my help

12. When your child faces a challenging task, such as a school project, what is your approach?

A. I take charge to ensure it's done correctly and meets high standards

B. I guide them through the process but let them do the work

C. I encourage them to tackle it independently and offer help only if they ask

13. How do you manage your child's extracurricular activities?

A. I choose the activities for them and closely monitor their participation

B. I suggest activities based on their interests and check in regularly

C. I let them decide which activities to pursue and respect their choices

14. If your child forgets their homework or lunch at home, what do you do?

A. I immediately bring it to them to prevent any inconvenience

B. I might bring it if it's a significant issue but discuss the importance of responsibility later

C. I let them face the natural consequences to learn responsibility

15. How do you approach setting rules and boundaries for your child?

A. I establish strict rules and enforce them without exception

B. I set clear rules but am open to discussion and occasional flexibility

C. I have minimal rules, allowing my child significant freedom to make their own choices

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