Marriage Quizzes - Page 85
Do you often feel isolated, fearful, and criticized? Is your wife extremely jealous, overly critical, and verbally abusive? If any or all of these are true, you are probably being abused by your wife.
Although it is seen as uncommon or unlikely for a female to be abusive in a relationship, the situation is still a reality for some people. BUt if you can identify the problem, there are more chances of you being able to fix things moving forward.
If you are fearful that your wife is abusing you, take this short ‘Is my wife abusive’ quiz to see if you are right.
Communication is one of the things that can make or break a relationship. Lack of communication is the source of most problems between couples and there can be negative consequences as soon as you stop sharing your ideas and opinions.
On the other hand, couples that communicate effectively are less involved in conflicts. And when they do have an argument, they use it as an opportunity to grow and find out something new about each other by sharing their feelings.
Does your relationship need to alter its communication style? Take ‘this ‘How is your communication with your partner’ quiz to find out!
If the question “am I an unlikeable person” is bothering you, then take this quiz to know what is actually bothering you. We all doubt ourselves, and some situations or an encounter with some people could make this belief stronger. However, it is important to introspect and know oneself deeper.
There are multiple causes that lead to dissatisfaction in marriage. Sometimes it’s because of partners spending long hours at work, failing to handle the change that comes with children, infidelity, or not being both emotionally and physically connected. However, marriages function very well through all kinds of challenges, but this requires partners who are both happy to ensure that they evolve together. Take this fun ‘Is your marriage bliss or a miss?’ quiz and determine if your marriage will last.
Breakups are never easy, and there's no telling how long it might take until you're finally over your ex. It's different for everyone, so there's no right or wrong answer. But when you see your ex is with someone else, regardless of what stage in the recovery process you are in, it still stings a little. Emotions during this time can range from rage, sadness, jealousy, confusion, and many more. But one of the most common questions you might ask is, "Is my ex really in love with his new girlfriend?". Is the new girlfriend a rebound? Is he over you already? Find out with this quiz if your ex is happy with his new girlfriend or if he's putting on a good act.
As tragic as it might be, some marriages are not worth going through all the trouble for. When your spouse doesn't respect you, doesn't honor you for what you contribute to their life, then maybe you should think of leaving the marriage. Overall, an abusive spouse is as damaging as junk food because they make you tired, and leave you with no motivation left at all.
So, is it time for you to end your marriage? Take our ‘Should I give up on my marriage’ quiz and find out now.