Terri Fry Brukhartz
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Terri Fry Brukhartz,  in O,


I've been helping couples put their relationships back on track for over 20 years. Most often, they come to me because they're afraid their relationship is disintegrating and they want to recapture the love they once shared.
When couples really hear and understand each other, change begins to take shape. They become reconnected and find they often still have the love they were afraid they'd lost forever.
I help facilitate that reconnection not only by creating a safe space for both partners to express themselves, but also by making sure both partners feel understood by me as well as each other. It takes work on everyone's part, but it is definitely well worth the effort.

Language(s) Spoken:

  • English

My Articles

Office Location

1100 Lake Street,
Oak Park IllinoisUnited States 60302