Glenview   ›   Stephanie Mazzanti

Stephanie Mazzanti

Counselor | Verified Counselor Claimed
Stephanie Mazzanti, Counselor in Glenview, IL


Stephanie Mazzanti is a licensed psychotherapist. She uses evidence based counseling practices to work with individuals, couples and groups in the workplace. She started her practice in 2015 and has been practicing therapy for 8 years. She specializes in sex therapy, yoga therapy, interpersonal conflicts, mood and anxiety disorders.

Stephanie Mazzanti is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Glenview

Language(s) Spoken:

  • English

My Articles

Deal with Relationship Goals like Your Career Goals


Deal with Relationship Goals like Your Career Goals

Are you in a career that is growing or even thriving because you put effort into it? Think about how you became successful in this area of your life. Most ...

Office Location

3633 W Lake Ave STE 404
Glenview, ,

Glenview IllinoisUnited States 60026