Long Beach   ›   Rose Lobato

Rose Lobato, LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist | Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Claimed
Rose Lobato, LMFT, Marriage & Family Therapist in Long Beach, CA


Rose Lobato is an associate marriage and family therapist in Long Beach, CA. She utilizes strategies from existential therapy, narrative therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy to help people channel their unique strengths, find meaning in their lives, and discover new ways to align their values and behaviors. When she is not working as a therapist, she enjoys journaling, spending time in nature, and being a wife and mother.
Rose Lobato is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Long Beach

My Articles

Having Fear of Falling out of Love? These 5 Ways Can Help


Having Fear of Falling out of Love? These 5 Ways Can Help

Sharing your life with someone is a phenomenon that can be as complicated as it is beautiful. Each day we are faced with endless choices and decisions ...

Office Location

235 E Broadway Suite 524 Long Beach, California,
Long Beach CaliforniaUnited States 90802