Saint Paul   ›   Dr. Mic Hunter

Dr. Mic Hunter, PhD

Psychologist | Verified Psychologist Claimed
Dr. Mic Hunter, PhD, Psychologist in Saint Paul, MN


Dr. Mic Hunter is licensed as a psychologist, and as a marriage and family therapist. He is the author of numerous books including Back To The Source: The Spiritual Principles Of Jesus.
Mic Hunter is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Saint Paul

Language(s) Spoken:

  • English

My Articles

Wabi-sabi:  Find Beauty in Imperfections in Your Relationships


Wabi-sabi: Find Beauty in Imperfections in Your Relationships

It isn t often that a concept that has the power to alter relationships has a name that is so fun to say. Wabi sabi wobby sobby) is a Japanese term that ...

Office Location

357 Kellogg Boulevard East ,
Saint Paul MinnesotaUnited States 55101