Boulder   ›   Max Woodfin

Max Woodfin, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor | Verified Licensed Professional Counselor Claimed
Max Woodfin, LPC, Licensed Professional Counselor in Boulder, CO


Max is a transpersonal psychotherapist and faculty in Naropa University’s Master’s program in Transpersonal Wilderness Therapy. In addition to attachment-based couples work, Max specializes in nature-based therapy for grief, anxiety, and depression. His influences include Stan Tatkin, Sue Johnson, and John Gottman.
Max Woodfin is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Boulder

Language(s) Spoken:

  • English

My Articles

How to Navigate Your Relationship When Your Partner Is Grieving


How to Navigate Your Relationship When Your Partner Is Grieving

Most marriages and long term relationships inevitably deal with one or both partners grief after a loss. The most common losses you and your partner may ...

Office Location

3080 Valmont Rd, Suite 260,
Boulder ColoradoUnited States 80301