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Mark Glasgow Johnson
Mark Glasgow Johnson, LMFT
Marriage & Family Therapist |
Mark Glasgow Johnson, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, has been working with couples since his first clinical training in San Francisco. He attended the California Institute of Integral Studies, became licensed as an MFT in the 1990’s, and years later became certified as a Professional Coach. He is a member of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists and has been actively practicing meditation since the 1970’s. His main practice is Tibetan Buddhism. He currently lives and works in Charlottesville, VA, is happily married and a father of one. With his wife and a small group of friends, he is hoping to one day soon open a Sunday School for Contemplative Families in Charlottesville.
Mark Glasgow is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Charlottesville
Services Provided Via:
- In person
- Internet meeting
Works With:
- Individual
- Couples
Free Phone Consultations?
- Yes
Hourly Fees Range:
- $100 - $150
Language(s) Spoken:
- English
My Articles
It s illuminating to think of marriage counseling as a lab where ideas from both East and West are being mixed together in a great alchemical cauldron, ...
In the last few years I have been introducing my couples clients to a therapeutic modality that first surprises them, and then almost instantly gives some ...