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Marian Perry
Marian Perry
Marriage & Family Therapist , MA, CHT, LPC, MFTC |
Marian Perry is a Marriage & Family Therapist , MA, CHT, LPC, MFTC, and is based out of Westminster, Colorado, United States. Marian specializes in the counseling of Marital and Premarital, Relationship Issues, Infidelity, etc. The therapist has experience in handling cases of Addiction, Infertility, Spirituality, and more. The types of therapies Marian offers include, Emotionally Focused, Humanistic Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Multicultural Therapy, Narrative, Somatic Experiencing,Strength Based Therapy therapy.
Marian Perry is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Westminster
- Addiction
- Infertility
- Spirituality
Types of Therapy:
- Emotionally Focused
- Humanistic Therapy
- Hypnotherapy
- Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
- Motivational Interviewing
- Multicultural Therapy
- Narrative
- Somatic Experiencing
- Strength Based Therapy
Language(s) Spoken:
- English