Modesto   ›   Lynn Telford Sahl

Lynn Telford Sahl

Drug & Alcohol Counselor | Verified Drug & Alcohol Counselor Claimed
Lynn Telford Sahl, Drug & Alcohol Counselor in Modesto, CA


I specialize in substance abuse and addiction treatment with couples and individuals and use The Gottman approach to couples therapy. The Gottman's say that most couples wait 6 years to address a problem they're having. On the + side, over 60% of couples who get through a difficult time or crisis in relationship because they have received help are so glad they did when asked years later. As a person in a 40+ year marriage, I know it takes willingness, patience and a little humor to have a healthy relationship.
Lynn Telford is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Modesto


Lynn Telford Sahl received a bachelor’s degree from the Sacramento State College and completed her MA from the John F Kennedy University.

Licensing & Certifications:

  • Pre-licensed or under Supervision
  • M.A. Psychology, Holistic Specialization, Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor


Types of Therapy:

  • Couples Therapy
  • Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy

Services Provided Via:

  • In person
  • Phone
  • Internet meeting

Works With:

  • Individual
  • Couples
  • Family

Working With Marriages for:

  • 30 Year(s)

Hourly Fees Range:

  • $100 - $150

Language(s) Spoken:

  • English

My Articles

Office Location

1101 Standiford Ave, Modesto, California, 95350,
Modesto CaliforniaUnited States 95350