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Luke Delavergne
Licensed Marrriage and Family Therapist with over 15 years of experience. Schedule a phone consult.
Luke Delavergne is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Nashville
Luke Delavergne received a bachelor’s degree from the Harding University and completed his MA from the Harding University .Specialities:
- Anxiety
- Career Counseling
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
- Life Coaching
- Life Purpose
- Life Transitions
- Marital and Premarital
- Marriage
- Pre-marriage
Types of Therapy:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Family Therapy
- Christian Counseling
- Narrative Therapy
- Marriage And Family Therapy
- Strength Based Therapy
Services Provided Via:
- In person
- Internet meeting
Works With:
- Individual
- Couples
- Family
Working With Marriages for:
- 16 Year(s)
Free Phone Consultations?
- Yes
Hourly Fees Range:
- $100 - $150
Accepts Insurance?
- Yes
Language(s) Spoken:
- English