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Linda Joyce

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Linda Joyce, Coach in New York City, NY


Linda Joyce is a woman of many talents: writer, lecturer, life-coach and astrologer. Her vast experience has taken her into the global arena where she solves personal and corporate issues in New York, London, Shanghai and around the world. “Identify the problem and a solution is not far behind.”
Joyce is a one-woman powerhouse for people looking for a pragmatic strategy to solving difficult personal and professional problems. Ms. Joyce’s clientele includes well-known celebrities and international business titans who are not afraid of an innovative approach to solutions. Author of two books, The Day You Were Born and The Star Within, she is about to publish The Man Thing, One Hundred Interviews With Men.
Linda Joyce is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in New York City

Services Provided Via:

  • In person
  • Phone

Works With:

  • Individual
  • Couples

Hourly Fees Range:

  • $200 - $250

Language(s) Spoken:

  • English

My Articles

Office Location

125 Park Avenue,
New York City New YorkUnited States 10017